Sometimes, even sites for supposedly chronic masturbators, some guys will comment that you shouldn’t let your masturbation get to the point where it interferes with a “normal” life. I strongly disagree.
I truly believe that you should masturbate as much as you want (or better, need) to and that more masturbation should always be encouraged regardless of how much a guy already masturbates.
Discouraging any amount of masturbation just creates feelings of guilt and shame and that’s, of course, not good.The only thing a masturbator should have to worry about is working enough to pay the bills and save some money.
Other than that, if he spends all remaining time compulsively masturbating, even to where he never leaves the house except for absolute necessities, I think that’s awesome.
I love to encourage guys to get that addicted to masturbation.
This week has been an exciting time at “Men’s Oasis: Home to The Phallic Brotherhood”!
The 6-foot hardwood Phalluses have arrived for “The Masturbatorium” — making the altar of worship complete! Tuesday night (9-22-2020) Brother Richard and I welcomed the representations of our Lord with a Holy ritual of candles, prayer, smudging, and masturbation with glorious batetracks playing in the background. It was a beautiful and sacred event! The evening felt great, in that it brought a sense of peace over me that we were finally making progress on our dream of a “Home” for “The Phallic Brotherhood”!
For close to 10 months, we have been planning and working to bring “Men’s Oasis” into being. The Masturbatorium is just Phase One of the many things we are planning. (And just to be clear, The Masturbatorium is not just a place for worship and masturbation — it’s a multi-use room that can accommodate small groups of men for some incredible play!) The work continues as we renovate different parts of our home — and our entire yard into an area of the celebration of our Holy Cock! Currently, an entirely new irrigation system is being put in; lighting is being installed; and plants, trees, and shrubs are being planted throughout the yard. So far 100 ficus trees surround the perimeter wall — and as they grow, they will provide a space of privacy and safety as we celebrate our naked selves! We anxiously anticipate the day when Covid has been brought under control and we can finally fuck, suck, bate, and become one with each other within The Phallic Brotherhood!
Our ultimate hope is that this place will be a place of self-acceptance, sex positivity, and fun. We hope that men will explore their sexuality and stretch their limits. We hope to train, to teach, to mentor, and to prepare men on the sexual journey — so that they may become “Dicksciples” for The Brotherhood… and that “preparedness” can come in SO many different ways. We want you to come here and possibly discover what the future has for you in this new Phallic world that you have found.
If you are an instructor, author or other individual that would like to teach a class in your specific field of Phallic fulfillment — or if you have authored a book that celebrates male sexuality, and would like to hold a book-signing / release party — or if you have any other ideas for activities that you might like to coordinate, please contact me at any time. We welcome almost any topic from extreme vanilla to hard-core BDSM or other fun. We have a platform with a view of the mountains that would be a perfect area for Yoga or Tantra to be taught and experienced. If bating is your thing — several can gather around the pool and hot tub and bate to your heart’s content. If you’re a video producer, we welcome video shoots to happen here! This is our home that we open up to you. This is “Men’s Oasis” — Home to The Phallic Brotherhood.
For those that might be considering wanting to have an event or class here – because it is a private home, admission CANNOT be charged — this is not a business. We can, however, accept donations from any participant.
Speaking of donations — we are accepting any donations for the renovation of the property. None of this is happening for free — and we are filling the credit cards quite quickly. If anyone would like to donate, we would welcome your gifts! $1.00 to thousands is always welcome. You can send a donation via PayPal to: or if that isn’t a feasible way, write to me privately and I will provide you with a postal address. For all those who give — Thank you! Actually, Thank you to ALL of you – giving or not! You are here for a reason and I truly hope you find joy and hope here through Phallus!!!
It’s July! I can’t believe it’s July 2020 already! My life has been turned upside down and back around again (over and over and over) — as is probably the case with most, if not all, of you — and we struggle to keep going. But we struggle and live and continue to do what we can to stay sane! My struggle in the “outside world” has been frustrating — at best — as I work in healthcare as a full-time profession. I struggle daily for sanity in that setting. I also lost both of my parents within five months of each other at the beginning of the year. So 2020 has been the shits — and I’m sure many of you may have similar stories! I’m sorry! But, I thank Cock for being there to help me through some of the worst days! Where would I be without Him? Hopefully you have found solace in Him as well.
Since I wrote last, I have been trying to focus a lot of my energy on making a physical space for “The Phallic Brotherhood” to gather, worship, play, learn, and grow. We have started renovations on our land — that we have lovingly and appropriately named “Men’s Oasis” – with planting a denser hedge around our property for more privacy — and other landscape work. And most recently we are renovating and turning part of our garage into “The Masturbatorium”, as a space to literally come together and worship the Phallus. (More about that a little later in the “update”.)
I have also made a list of things we need to do, would like to do, and have to do in order to be successful in our mission.
I had mentioned a while back the need to create a Board of Directors. From that posting two men applied to be on the Board. It would be nice to have a better response than that — and, as a result, I haven’t actually formed the Board yet. But my intent is to do so soon. We also need to apply for tax-exempt status… and comply with all of the requirements to do so.
In addition, we need to find a good website designer who is willing to do a ton of work to make our website POP!!! I have a huge list of things I would love to have the ability to do through a functional website — but don’t have the money, knowledge, or time to make it what it should be!
Also, it is my desire to complete the renovations here at “Men’s Oasis” so that men will be able to visit and become one with each other and with our God! And then from there, begin teaching and training men to grow to their full potential with Cock as their Lord and Guide!
All of this is a very big, ambitious undertaking and it will require a lot. As an example, we started the renovation with a $6,000 estimate from the contractor to do the work needed. Due to problems and circumstances — some of which were beyond our control — the project is now pushing $11,000.00 and it still is not completed. My credit cards are bulging at the maximum level allowed.
I also mentioned the website. This is our main tool for communication and a cyberspace that we can all call “Home”. But it doesn’t function in a way that is best for our community and our goals. We need a web designer to do the work — and until we have some money coming in, that probably isn’t going to happen anytime soon. (Let this be a call to anyone out there that would like to donate some time to make the website what we need it to be — with the incentive of making it so good and functional, you could get paid for your services if you create it in an alluring and functional way!) I’m not adverse to paying anyone — but when the wallet is empty on my end, I can’t offer much in the way of cash to begin with!
Many of you have said to me that you want training and guidance. Many have said you want sermons and teachings. Others have said they want to be a part of “The Phallic Brotherhood” in a greater capacity — and become leaders yourselves. Others are asking for organizations and the resources to get things get things going in your own communities where you live! I WOULD LOVE NOTHING MORE THAN TO PROVIDE ALL OF THAT TO YOU! But I can’t do it without the time — and I don’t have the time when I’m working at a 40-hour-a-week job outside of “The Phallic Brotherhood”.
Know that I hate asking for money — but know that I am only doing so now, because I have to. I have literally nothing more to give, financially speaking — and if I do nothing and ask for nothing, it will be YEARS before I will get out of the debt that I am in just in renovation expenses alone. And again, I say, there is SO MUCH MORE that I would love to see get done.
If you would like to donate, there will be a full accounting of where your donations will go. You are also more than welcome to designate how you would like your money to be spent. When it comes to “Men’s Oasis”, it is our hope for this place to continue as a “mini retreat center” long after our passing. My husband and I have no family to leave this to — and we would like to possibly make this our legacy to live on for years to come. The future is obviously vague and obscure in so many ways right now — but it is our hope that whatever we have established will continue to grow well into the future!
If you would like to donate you can do so through PayPal on the Donate page, or mail your contribution to:
Father Marc — The Phallic Brotherhood 67782 Highway 111, B104 #175 Cathedral City, CA 92234
Thank you so much for all that you do — and anything you are able to do in the future!!!
Please stay safe. Follow the guidelines of scientists and the CDC. Stop listening to the former Reality Television Game Show host — and start listening to reason! Wearing a mask and social distancing are a very MINOR inconvenience — and as soon as people get that through their heads, the sooner this will be under control!
My heart and my love go out to all of you! Keep Phallus number one in your life and let Him have full control!
The natural state of man is to be absorbed in meditation or practice with Cock. Whatever draws the mind or soul of man away from its natural and primal immersion in Cock is an obstacle to the God-given purpose and function of male human life. Allow your thoughts and practice to follow their natural course: give unto Phallus that which He has created for His own Pleasure and Awareness. Phallus is the force that creates nature and from nature the universe. Phallus moves and opens. All is created by the cleaving of nothingness by Phallus. To open, to accede to Cock is to give homage to Phallus and Creation. There is no creation but that which is created by Phallus. There is no service to God but that which gives homage and adoration to Cock. All men are elements of a vastly complex network of force, power, submission, creation and destruction, a network that is the primal workings of Phallus. The Godhood of Cock is the ordinal fact.
The worship and admiration, the adoration of Cock is the religious acknowledgment of this sacred network of energy and Being. There are men who are manifestations of Priapus, honored with a Presence between their legs that commands awe and carries immense Power. Often these men carry very large Cocks. Give homage to large Cocks, from which the nature of awe and terror come. These men are given worship, their Cocks are Gods and oracles. To gaze on such a Cock gives man fortune and communion with Phallus. To physically touch such a Cock is auspicious in the highest degree. Priapic man is the sacred Presence of creation made manifest and apparent. The man — and beyond the man, all things made by man — are flowers sustained and dreamt by Cock. When you look at a man know that this flesh, this hair, these eyes and hands and muscle and mind are all creations of Cock that Phallus will be adored and worshiped.
In the seed of a man is everything. In the ejaculation of a man there is the entire cosmos, the beginning and the end of all things. In the taste and smell and texture of a man’s semen is the totality of the galaxies, the stars, the worlds. With each ejaculation God creates everything anew. Worship the seed of man. It is the breath of God, the raw substance from which all things are made and within which all things are contained. In the taste of semen there is the teachings of God. When one man gives his semen to another man God is acknowledged and increased. Look at the body of man as a great work of God, created for the worship of Cock, the adoration of Phallus. In this is based the joy of manhood and the perfection of the cockworshiper’s existence.
Love man as the vessel of semen, of seed; and love man as the bearer of Phallus, the living-place and temple of Cock. Give worship to the Priapic man who is an oracle of God. To see this Cock is to feel the dreadful all-consuming power of God. To see this Cock is to know the nature of Godhood, the undeniable need to draw closer. To see this Cock is to experience the fire that is the cockworshiper’s purpose and prayer: “Make me One with Cock!” Kneeling on the floor before Priapus, with forehead pressed to the floor, pray to Cock:
Fire that is the terrible beauty and power of Phallus, Godhood and Creator and Flesh, Take as Yours this soul, this life, this man. Make of this soul a vessel for Your Pleasure and Power. To You, Great Being and Creator, all is given.
Priapic Cock, take this consciousness, this soul, this life, this man forever. This life, this soul, this man for Cock.
Erotic fiction and metaphors on some of the practices and beliefs of our Brotherhood
With newfound determination, our Hero leaves the comforting sights of the shores He knows, to dive deep into the murky waters of his sunken desires. Will this “Beast,” His most animal, sexual Self, devour Him, consume Him, or will He manage to make Him dance at His whim, like He who tames a wild colt or trains a fierce golden eagle? For the first part, please click here. For the second, please click here. For the third, please click here. For the fourth, please click here.
Into the darkness I ventured. I stepped into the depths of the swirling Forest of my Lust. Where it was the thickest, the most humid, that is where I found myself walking towards. Dense, warm, the trees themselves seemed to drink from the lewdness seeping through the very soil. My body glistened with sweat, and plants extended vines as if to sip and lap the copious perspiration off my skin. They caressed my body, gently, softly. Their touch was but a whisper, discrete, sensual; it may me feel desired. I took enormous satisfaction in this demonstration of erotic affection.
“Love me.” “Want me,” my soul bid as I displayed my Manhood with pride and cockiness.
“Worship me,” I commanded.
The sylvan, mossy, carpeted ground hollowed in a hundred places wherever my stiff erection pointed at. Twitching, inviting, soliciting my life-giving Seed all too ready to bust. I ached to pour myself when looking at the moist, yet parched Earth. As I moved on, huge mushrooms sprouted, assuming grotesque, obscene shapes. Drooling sugary and savory, viscous nectar, they curved and bent like sunflowers following the crowned, golden face.
My face.
I am so handsome. I am so beautiful.
I would penetrate myself if I could…
The air filled progressively with a cloud of minute spores, making me feel an itch I knew quite well, and itch that demanded to be appeased. Intendedly, I touched one of the monstrous fungi with my hip. A surge of heat set my heart racing and made my knees go weak in an instant.
It was over.
It was clear to me.
The trees were other Selves.
They were My Echoes, those who have and are succumbing to indescribable, perverted longings as we speak. I saw it all too clearly. Pools of concentrated Lust mirrored a thousand reflections. Men of all ages, hailing from every direction, walking every path of life; all caught in the same maelstrom. They have never been in control; it is their primal Lust who pulls their strings. All there is left for them is to obey the primordial drive. Each and every one was a reflection. They were all Me.
The grassy mounds groaned as they throbbed in the usual pelvic motions. Trees entwined, jerking licentiously as they rubbed their bark; twisting root and branch, sodomizing each other in every possible way. Each and every one caught in a mindless, restless, endless, relentless spiral of Lust.
I cared not.
All that mattered to me was the quenching of the fiery itch raging through me. My body begged to be fed the oozing juice of my own lewdness, even though I knew drinking from the cup of the bulging toadstools would make me ever thirstier.
I cared not.
Even if it meant an eternity in this hopeless forest, I had to fill and be filled.
Just as I squatted to gorge my lower self on the never-ending feast of fungal flesh, I caught on a wisp of His scent. The last leaf before the arrival of a stark, somnolent drought of awareness fell off and drifted in the wind onto my hands. Such a tiny plume, a mere whiff, an intriguing aroma not unlike my own. A scent I perceived the very moment my journey began. Hours ago. Days ago. Years ago.
A thousand lives ago.
Roasted chestnut. Allspice. Aged cheese. Moist soil. Rock salt. Ale.
I must knowthe origin of the scent.
Searching for the source, I left the miry, thorny thicket, like He who, when lost in the forest, finds an old, forgotten, overgrown trail He used to hike in young age. I knew I had walked this path before. The familiar smell became stronger. I picked on the pace. Feeling that excitement you experience when you know you are on the right way, I ran past through the woods.
I ran to the encounter with He I had been looking for for so long.
The forest cleared somewhat. There, the musk was the strongest.
I could feel His presence.
He was near, yet nowhere to be seen.
I smiled.
Somehow, I knew, deep within, all was as it is supposed to be. It was good. It was perfect. How different this modest glade felt in contrast to the kaleidoscopic swamp I had just gone through. The Lust had not gone anywhere, though, and that made me grin mischievously; I knew it was a part of me, an aspect of myself. I looked at my body and rejoiced in narcissistic, guilt-free contemplation of its beauty; I knew I needed no one’s permission to enjoy myself. Emerging from my thick, bushy crotch, a mighty Tower rose up; a triumphant sword against the sky. It glimmered with the same syrup I had seen leaking from those gigantic mushroom heads.
I closed my eyes and beamed as I saw myself not running from the vegetable phalli, but shamelessly riding them once and again with vim, gusto and abandon. How much honey overfloweth from my insatiable hole! I threw my arms in the air. I had found it.
I had found the source of the scent, right in my own pits.
I am that I am.
As I masturbated my Penis in my holy name, feasting on my Musk, on my own Lust, I felt His breath behind my neck. I knew his scent because it was my own. Firm and heavy hands embraced my chest and abdomen comforting, fondling, teasing, reassuring. His curls and shaggy beard tickled and scratched as He too whispered in my ear:
“I am that I am.”
His voice was rich, melodic, virile, and, o, so deep. I had heard it many times, I realized, in the rustling of leaves in autumn, in the booming thunder right before a storm, in the content moaning of a dozen Men greatly aroused.
He groped my shoulders, my thighs, my glutes, making me shudder with pleasure. He brought His left hand in front of me and began stroking my Cock with expertise that surpassed my own a hundredfold. He pressed His broad, generous, hairy pectorals against my upper back. His right hand slid down my crack, and his stout, middle finger picked the lock to my lower gate like a seasoned thief, finding little, if any, resistance. When he licked my nape, I began to growl and howl; my sternum broke open as the piercing voice of His Light, My Light, spoke through my chest:
My heart beat with the pulse of entire universes. He stood before Me. A being of fire, and horn, and light.
“What is there to fear?”
He pointed at the parading galaxies before my eyes, at the birth and destruction of stars, at the rise and decline of entire civilizations.
“What is there to fear?”
Back in the glade, the Horned One said:
The Horned God, artwork by the author.
“You are the Master,”
…as He fell to His knees to worship Me.
I grabbed Him by the Horns and made Him behold my brow as I shoved my Manhood into Him.
Back in the glade, the Horned One said:
“You are the Slave,”
…as he spread my legs opened and rammed the Beast into Me.
He made Me shed tears of pain, pleasure, happiness and utter surrender.
Back in the glade, I said:
Beloved Dominic Vine, thank You for your Light!
“and I am the One that transcends and integrates it all,”
…as I masturbated my Penis amidst the twilight of the serene glade.
I could feel His Presence.
He wasn’t out there, though.
He wasn’t exactly within, either.
This was the supreme heresy, the boldest profanity, the greatest indecency:
I am both the Son of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Masculine Himself.
I had left on a journey to seek The Beast and I found Him.
I am many things.
I am every thing.
I am that I am.
What is there to fear?
I am the Beast.
I lied naked on the dewy grass, savoring the beauty and bounty of the Earth unfolding before my eyes. A warm tenderness, a clarity of mind and heart made me smile with an innocence I thought I would never experience after I had awoken to the harshness and cruelty of the blind and the confounded as a child. This purity was not born out of ignorance, but knowledge, experience and acceptance of my humanity and its duality. As long as I remained here, as long as I played this game, I would experience them: happiness and sadness; pleasure and pain; longing and satisfaction; hunger and satiety; male reasoning and female intuition; the vitality of the young and the slow pace of the old.
I have drunk from them all.
I have been both the hunter and the prey. The parent and the child. The teacher and the student. The lord and the servant. The ally and the enemy.
I have taken life. I have spared life. I have broken hearts. I have mended hearts. I have sinned. I have sought atonement. I have built great monuments and laid them to ruins. I have spoken terrible curses…
And I have forgiven he who is the most difficult to forgive:
I lie naked on the sweet grass, watching sunlight filtering through the canopy of the trees. No matter how dark, light always finds a way through. Dancing insects busily take care of their young, their business, their little battles, their little games of power. We are all characters in the Divine Play, and the Playwright himself. Everything is as it is. Everything is as it should be. The fire still burns within me; it will ever do so. Though a gentle candle at the moment, it can, at my will, expand and grow as fiery as the blazing sun. All is as intended, as I intended, for that fire is what makes possible the manifestation of every desire.
So much suffering.
So much beauty.
So much lust.
So much love.
I laughed.
I wept.
“Now you can truly choose,” I told myself.
Dedicated with love and gratitude to all the Men of the Brotherhood.
In order to love others, you must be able to love yourself first. Fill your own cup of self-love that you may then pleasure others. There are no expectations, no judgement, no need to prove anything to anyone. Playfully explore yourself. Get to know yourself. Celebrate yourself. In order to love others, you must be able to love yourself first. Fill your own cup of self-love that you may then pleasure others. There are no expectations, no judgement, no need to prove anything to anyone. Playfully explore yourself. Get to know yourself. Celebrate yourself.
I will always want more. He makes me kneel before him to take the length of his shaft on my tongue. He leads me in paths of phallic worship for his names sake. He anoints my head with showers of piss. My cock flows over with holy cum.
Though I walk through this world of those who don’t understand you I will not be deterred. Because your cock lust is always with me. Your holy rod and always full balls, they comfort me.
Surely cock and ass will always be presented to me and I will dwell in the temple between men’s legs forever.
I am so excited to be entering into the New Year with fresh ideas and new directions for this Brotherhood of men! So much is on our horizon! Cock has brought us a long way – and we seek His guidance as we continue to move forward! 2019 was a good year – and there was so much that I learned – but I see 2020 as being even greater and more fulfilling! I see Cock at work in so many men’s lives! It’s very exciting!
Let me start by announcing today that we will be moving forward with a new name. Many have found that “The Temple of Priapus” is a bit cumbersome and restrictive. It doesn’t fully describe who and what we are any longer. It has many religious connotations to it – and it’s a name that many (especially “millennials”) don’t relate to. Also, many envision an actual “Temple” when they hear that name – and currently we have a huge lack of “Temples” within our community (although we are working on one…but more on that a little later). We have secured the domain name – so starting within the next few days/weeks, we will be known as “The Phallic Brotherhood”. You will still be able to access the website through, but it will redirect you to the new name/site. Information as you see it today, will remain here on the website.
We are also looking to secure tax-exempt status for the organization – so that individuals can make donations to the Brotherhood. Currently everything is being done through volunteering (including what I do) – and I don’t think that will be changing anytime soon. But we do have expenses – some very small – and others that are coming up that are HUGE! We are going to need to raise funds soon!
Many of you have heard about my time at Easton Mountain this past fall with I was chosen to attend a retreat and video shoot for Himeros – and it turned into a life-changing event. My entire vision for myself and for the Temple/Brotherhood changed drastically. Through that event I came home with a vision of creating a place on our property – at our new home in the Palm Springs area – that would be a mini-retreat center, of sorts. A place that men could come to worship Cock – to train and to be mentored for everyday life with Cock, or to take the steps necessary to be more involved with the Brotherhood – perhaps becoming a Priest or leader. We visualize a space where masturbation could be celebrated in groups or as individuals. It will be a place of sexual freedom and celebration. A place where massages could be received, or training in Yoga or Tantra could be experienced. Perhaps a BDSM workshop could be taught or some other fetish could be celebrated and lived. The possibilities are endless! However, in order to do this, we need to construct a building – a “Temple” – to house this sort of activity. Soon we plan to move forward with permits, plans and construction…and the re-mortgage and loans needed to begin. If successful, it would be our desire to leave this for future generations to enjoy and experience – so that “The Phallic Brotherhood” could live on for years and years into the future!
Having said that, we have IMMEDIATE goals that need to be met and attended to. We need help! All of this would be volunteered time unfortunately – but I guarantee it would be rewarding!
1. I am looking for a graphic designer that can come up with a new logo for our organization “The Phallic Brotherhood” or “TPB” (for the logo, I visualize the “T” as being possibly a support for the “P”. The “P” would represent the Cock/Phallus. The “B” could be represented as the balls/testicles of the phallus – or perhaps a hand or a fist wrapped around the Cock in some way. Just a thought – perhaps someone has another idea or vision for the logo).
2. I am looking for someone who has experience with the IRS and tax-exempt status – and securing that for us.
3. I am looking for someone with web-design experience that could help enhance our current site. We have a web-designer currently, but his knowledge is limited and he would like some assistance to make it bigger and better. Of course some additions would cost extra dollars to obtain – but if those funds can be generated, more can be done. It would be nice to have a “Donate” button to push with a direct link into a bank account for funds to be secured and saved for the Brotherhood.
4. I am looking for organizers, a board of directors, and individuals that can help with an actual “Mission Statement” and all of the things necessary to create a stable organization and funding.
5. Finally, we need money – donations – fundraiser(s) – we need it bad and we need it now.
In addition to all of this, I need you – my brothers – to be active participants in our future. I need volunteers that will step up to help with future projects, retreats, and meetings and to stir up interest. Whatever your “gift” is, let me know – and hopefully we can find a way to utilize your talents.
If this is a cause that you believe in and have the means by which to fund projects, please contact me to discuss these things. I am open and willing to share with you what is going on, and clearly define our purpose and goals.
Everything I’ve outlined here is a HUGE step for the Brotherhood – but I want you to know that I am dedicated to bringing it all to life, if I can! Again, I need your help more than anything now!
We live for Cock and we grow for Him and His pleasure! Won’t you join me in 2020 to take us to new heights and new horizons! My love and respect and prayers go out to all of you!
With Cock holding fast in my hand and in my heart –
La siguiente es una plegaria Arapajó; me fue enseñada por un anciano. La recito cada mañana mientras ofrezco mi crema de macho alpha a Príapo.
Lavo mis manos—el instrumento de mi trabajo—para que estén tan limpias como mi corazón, y toco mis pezones, mis testículos, mi Falo.
La Verga pulsa; que se excite de buena manera.
Mi Verga es el camino a la vida, al placer, y a la satisfacción. Honro la Hermandad. Que el espíritu de todos los hombres que han derramado su semilla antes que yo guien mis manos al amarme a mí mismo.
La masturbación está governada por el Creador que plantó la Semilla en el Hombre. Es una expresión de Él porque mi Verga le pertenece a Él. Amorosamente acepto el poder del Falo.
This is an Arapho prayer, taught to me by an elder. I recite it every morning as I offer my alpha cream to Priape.
I wash my hands — the instrument of my work — so they may be as clean as my heart, and I touch my nipples, my testicles, my phallus.
The cock pulsates; may it be aroused in a good way.
My cock is the path to life, to pleasure, and to satisfaction. I honour the brotherhood. May the spirit of all men who have spilled their seed before me guide my hands in self love.
Masturbation is governed by the creator who planted the seed in man. It is an expression of him because my cock belongs to him. I lovingly accept the power of the phallus.