It’s July! I can’t believe it’s July 2020 already! My life has been turned upside down and back around again (over and over and over) — as is probably the case with most, if not all, of you — and we struggle to keep going. But we struggle and live and continue to do what we can to stay sane! My struggle in the “outside world” has been frustrating — at best — as I work in healthcare as a full-time profession. I struggle daily for sanity in that setting. I also lost both of my parents within five months of each other at the beginning of the year. So 2020 has been the shits — and I’m sure many of you may have similar stories! I’m sorry! But, I thank Cock for being there to help me through some of the worst days! Where would I be without Him? Hopefully you have found solace in Him as well.
Since I wrote last, I have been trying to focus a lot of my energy on making a physical space for “The Phallic Brotherhood” to gather, worship, play, learn, and grow. We have started renovations on our land — that we have lovingly and appropriately named “Men’s Oasis” – with planting a denser hedge around our property for more privacy — and other landscape work. And most recently we are renovating and turning part of our garage into “The Masturbatorium”, as a space to literally come together and worship the Phallus. (More about that a little later in the “update”.)
I have also made a list of things we need to do, would like to do, and have to do in order to be successful in our mission.
I had mentioned a while back the need to create a Board of Directors. From that posting two men applied to be on the Board. It would be nice to have a better response than that — and, as a result, I haven’t actually formed the Board yet. But my intent is to do so soon. We also need to apply for tax-exempt status… and comply with all of the requirements to do so.
In addition, we need to find a good website designer who is willing to do a ton of work to make our website POP!!! I have a huge list of things I would love to have the ability to do through a functional website — but don’t have the money, knowledge, or time to make it what it should be!
Also, it is my desire to complete the renovations here at “Men’s Oasis” so that men will be able to visit and become one with each other and with our God! And then from there, begin teaching and training men to grow to their full potential with Cock as their Lord and Guide!
All of this is a very big, ambitious undertaking and it will require a lot. As an example, we started the renovation with a $6,000 estimate from the contractor to do the work needed. Due to problems and circumstances — some of which were beyond our control — the project is now pushing $11,000.00 and it still is not completed. My credit cards are bulging at the maximum level allowed.
I also mentioned the website. This is our main tool for communication and a cyberspace that we can all call “Home”. But it doesn’t function in a way that is best for our community and our goals. We need a web designer to do the work — and until we have some money coming in, that probably isn’t going to happen anytime soon. (Let this be a call to anyone out there that would like to donate some time to make the website what we need it to be — with the incentive of making it so good and functional, you could get paid for your services if you create it in an alluring and functional way!) I’m not adverse to paying anyone — but when the wallet is empty on my end, I can’t offer much in the way of cash to begin with!
Many of you have said to me that you want training and guidance. Many have said you want sermons and teachings. Others have said they want to be a part of “The Phallic Brotherhood” in a greater capacity — and become leaders yourselves. Others are asking for organizations and the resources to get things get things going in your own communities where you live! I WOULD LOVE NOTHING MORE THAN TO PROVIDE ALL OF THAT TO YOU! But I can’t do it without the time — and I don’t have the time when I’m working at a 40-hour-a-week job outside of “The Phallic Brotherhood”.
Know that I hate asking for money — but know that I am only doing so now, because I have to. I have literally nothing more to give, financially speaking — and if I do nothing and ask for nothing, it will be YEARS before I will get out of the debt that I am in just in renovation expenses alone. And again, I say, there is SO MUCH MORE that I would love to see get done.
If you would like to donate, there will be a full accounting of where your donations will go. You are also more than welcome to designate how you would like your money to be spent. When it comes to “Men’s Oasis”, it is our hope for this place to continue as a “mini retreat center” long after our passing. My husband and I have no family to leave this to — and we would like to possibly make this our legacy to live on for years to come. The future is obviously vague and obscure in so many ways right now — but it is our hope that whatever we have established will continue to grow well into the future!
If you would like to donate you can do so through PayPal on the Donate page, or mail your contribution to:
Father Marc — The Phallic Brotherhood
67782 Highway 111, B104 #175
Cathedral City, CA 92234
Thank you so much for all that you do — and anything you are able to do in the future!!!
Please stay safe. Follow the guidelines of scientists and the CDC. Stop listening to the former Reality Television Game Show host — and start listening to reason! Wearing a mask and social distancing are a very MINOR inconvenience — and as soon as people get that through their heads, the sooner this will be under control!
My heart and my love go out to all of you! Keep Phallus number one in your life and let Him have full control!
Father Marc
I would like to apply to the board but i assume meetings would be in person and distance would preclude me from attending.
BUT i will donate asap.
Hail Cock and Holy Cumunion.