I am so excited to be entering into the New Year with fresh ideas and new directions for this Brotherhood of men! So much is on our horizon! Cock has brought us a long way – and we seek His guidance as we continue to move forward! 2019 was a good year – and there was so much that I learned – but I see 2020 as being even greater and more fulfilling! I see Cock at work in so many men’s lives! It’s very exciting!

Let me start by announcing today that we will be moving forward with a new name. Many have found that “The Temple of Priapus” is a bit cumbersome and restrictive. It doesn’t fully describe who and what we are any longer. It has many religious connotations to it – and it’s a name that many (especially “millennials”) don’t relate to. Also, many envision an actual “Temple” when they hear that name – and currently we have a huge lack of “Temples” within our community (although we are working on one…but more on that a little later). We have secured the domain name – so starting within the next few days/weeks, we will be known as “The Phallic Brotherhood”. You will still be able to access the website through www.templepriapus.com, but it will redirect you to the new name/site. www.thephallicbrotherhood.com. Information as you see it today, will remain here on the website.

We are also looking to secure tax-exempt status for the organization – so that individuals can make donations to the Brotherhood. Currently everything is being done through volunteering (including what I do) – and I don’t think that will be changing anytime soon. But we do have expenses – some very small – and others that are coming up that are HUGE! We are going to need to raise funds soon!

Many of you have heard about my time at Easton Mountain this past fall with www.Himeros.tv. I was chosen to attend a retreat and video shoot for Himeros – and it turned into a life-changing event. My entire vision for myself and for the Temple/Brotherhood changed drastically. Through that event I came home with a vision of creating a place on our property – at our new home in the Palm Springs area – that would be a mini-retreat center, of sorts. A place that men could come to worship Cock – to train and to be mentored for everyday life with Cock, or to take the steps necessary to be more involved with the Brotherhood – perhaps becoming a Priest or leader. We visualize a space where masturbation could be celebrated in groups or as individuals.  It will be a place of sexual freedom and celebration. A place where massages could be received, or training in Yoga or Tantra could be experienced. Perhaps a BDSM workshop could be taught or some other fetish could be celebrated and lived. The possibilities are endless! However, in order to do this, we need to construct a building – a “Temple” – to house this sort of activity. Soon we plan to move forward with permits, plans and construction…and the re-mortgage and loans needed to begin. If successful, it would be our desire to leave this for future generations to enjoy and experience – so that “The Phallic Brotherhood” could live on for years and years into the future!

Having said that, we have IMMEDIATE goals that need to be met and attended to. We need help! All of this would be volunteered time unfortunately – but I guarantee it would be rewarding!

1.    I am looking for a graphic designer that can come up with a new logo for our organization “The Phallic Brotherhood” or “TPB” (for the logo, I visualize the “T” as being possibly a support for the “P”. The “P” would represent the Cock/Phallus. The “B” could be represented as the balls/testicles of the phallus – or perhaps a hand or a fist wrapped around the Cock in some way. Just a thought – perhaps someone has another idea or vision for the logo).

2.    I am looking for someone who has experience with the IRS and tax-exempt status – and securing that for us.

3.    I am looking for someone with web-design experience that could help enhance our current site. We have a web-designer currently, but his knowledge is limited and he would like some assistance to make it bigger and better. Of course some additions would cost extra dollars to obtain – but if those funds can be generated, more can be done. It would be nice to have a “Donate” button to push with a direct link into a bank account for funds to be secured and saved for the Brotherhood.

4.    I am looking for organizers, a board of directors, and individuals that can help with an actual “Mission Statement” and all of the things necessary to create a stable organization and funding.

5.    Finally, we need money – donations – fundraiser(s) – we need it bad and we need it now. 

     In addition to all of this, I need you – my brothers – to be active participants in our future. I need volunteers that will step up to help with future projects, retreats, and meetings and to stir up interest. Whatever your “gift” is, let me know – and hopefully we can find a way to utilize your talents.

If this is a cause that you believe in and have the means by which to fund projects, please contact me to discuss these things. I am open and willing to share with you what is going on, and clearly define our purpose and goals.

Everything I’ve outlined here is a HUGE step for the Brotherhood – but I want you to know that I am dedicated to bringing it all to life, if I can! Again, I need your help more than anything now!

We live for Cock and we grow for Him and His pleasure! Won’t you join me in 2020 to take us to new heights and new horizons! My love and respect and prayers go out to all of you!

With Cock holding fast in my hand and in my heart –

Father Marc

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