Ruminations on the death of Pat Robertson

Originally posted by Rachel Tompkins. Reposted by permission. by Elizabeth Dilley This poem was written by my dear friend K on the occasion of Pat Robertson’s death. It’s as profoundly theological as anything my clergy colleagues have shared, and certainly more theologically robust than anything I could say about it. I’m posting because I’m going …


This week has been an exciting time at “Men’s Oasis: Home to The Phallic Brotherhood”! The 6-foot hardwood Phalluses have arrived for “The Masturbatorium” — making the altar of worship complete! Tuesday night (9-22-2020) Brother Richard and I welcomed the representations of our Lord with a Holy ritual of candles, prayer, smudging, and masturbation with …

July 2020 Update

It’s July! I can’t believe it’s July 2020 already! My life has been turned upside down and back around again (over and over and over) — as is probably the case with most, if not all, of you — and we struggle to keep going. But we struggle and live and continue to do what …


I am so excited to be entering into the New Year with fresh ideas and new directions for this Brotherhood of men! So much is on our horizon! Cock has brought us a long way – and we seek His guidance as we continue to move forward! 2019 was a good year – and there …

Statement of Affirmation to Cock our God

Ever since I was elevated into the position of High Priest/Pontifex and Leader of The Temple, men have been writing to me asking what they must do to affirm their devotion and commitment to Cock our Lord and Master. There has never been an official “Statement of Affirmation to Cock our God” that could be …

Where is the Temple?

WHERE IS THE TEMPLE? Tonight I sit in my living room and my head spins with what I would like to say to all of you. My Twitter account (@father_marc) is bringing in men from around the world, and many of them have registered here at the Temple website. Many have written to me with …

…a comment (and reply) from a member of our community…

A few days ago a member of our community responded to a post that I had written on October 31, 2018. I thought it was a wonderful question/comment – and one that I felt really needed to be addressed. It was a comment that I have heard before and one that I really wanted to …