Priapus is my God

Priapus is my god. Cock is my altar. Masturbation is my worship.

Hail cock! Praise Penis!! Sacred Phallus!!! It’s a new day, brothers. Let us be reminded that regardless of how stressful the day can become or how distracted or down our spirit may be, we serve cock! Each and everyone one of us has the altar of worship between our legs. Each of us has the ability to connect to the sacred masculine Phallus by at least publicly squeezing his cock whenever he chooses. And when we are home and able to enter the worship state, we can expose our bodies completely and revel in the gift of masculinity Priapus has bestowed upon each of us. Today, I challenge each of us here to spend at least 5 minutes mindfully admiring your PENIS. Chant a mantra to elevate your thoughts and focus on the god-cock. Tenderly and eagerly touch your cock. Smell your hand. Explore your body and make your singular purpose for that sacred moment solely the worship and communion with the PENIS. Do this and open your mind to the real connection each of us shares across the universe with our Phallic god. Anoint your chest or forehead or face with precum or piss. Wear that sacred fluid as a reminder of your true phallic devotion. I love you all brothers. I feel blessed to belong to our group. Priapus is my god. Cock is my altar. Masturbation is my worship. Cum and piss are my holy and sacred waters. Hail cock! Praise Penis!! Sacred Phallus!!!


To fill us with a desire that is never satisfied but continues in the beauty that Cock beholds. Stay in Lust, Brother. Be a cock. Be proud, hard, firm and strong, desirable that become what people want.

That’s what happens when we focus on Cock. We get lost in ourselves and all we see is the beast between the legs of man. With fullness that is never waiving. Giving and demanding at the same time. Appreciative and rewarding with the blessed nectar and amber waters that flow from the holy spigot.

Hail Priapus in our never ending praise of the Cock that slides into the waiting ass giving pain and Pleasure in his holy name.


Almighty Phallus

Bow before the mysterious, divine-nature of the human cock. The aroused phallus demands attention. It is impossible to ignore a protruding, throbbing, manhood. A firm erection proudly pushes one’s cock out into the world to bask in the glory of adoration from those who seek it’s powers.

The penis is the crowning achieve that is the sculpted work of art of the male body. It has been adored and celebrated for eons and will always be seen by many as a staff or royalty and power. I can not gaze upon a masterpiece of a cock without feeling my own manhood swell in brotherhood unity.

There is never a moment when cock isn’t being stroked, pleased and expressed. The Phallus twitches with joy each time a devotee pays it tribute and It is a precious honor and right passed to each man to cherish his own sacred organ.

There is an especially powerful event that occurs when a man is a devotee to his own penis. In those quiet, private moments a man communes with his own manhood to renew his connection with the divinity of the glorious cock. It is his honor and responsibility to keep his vessel protected and trained for those moments of eruption where man and spirit unite in true ecstasy.

May we always take time out of our busy lives to exalt the gifts of the All Mighty Phallus!!

-St. Richard the Rigid-