The Temple

Rather than a Place, the Temple is a State of Awareness, a Lifestyle, the certainty that the Divine Masculine is manifested in the Flesh, Mind and Heart of your Brother and Yourself. So many lives spent looking for God everywhere else; awaken to the Truth of God within.
— from
Penis is Peace

In a chaotic world, Penis gives peace, joy and bliss. Masturbate as much as you can.
Bring It On!

When trying to hurt our pride, some will question our masculinity, endowment, sexuality, etc., and call us names like fag and pervert. “He’s not man enough.” Fools. If only they knew how much we love being Gay! If enjoying our homosexuality makes us perverts, then bring it on!
— from
I have been anointed

I have been anointed with the Seed of Man, the Lord God Cock has marked me with His Musk, split me open and poured His Blessing upon Me. Now I see Him everywhere; He is all around me, full of Virile Glory, Beauty and Power. He dwells in my Heart for He is my Heart’s Desire.
— from
Praise the Lord!
Imagine me kissing your shaft and looking at your whole erection.
I gently rub your corpora spongiosa between my forefinger and middle finger feeling you grow with firmness.
Easing back your foreskin and shaft skin I see your glistening glans oozing precum.
I lick it from under your frenulum and you harden even more.
Opening my mouth I take you past my moist lips grazing the top of your glans gently with my front teeth as it rests its weight on my tongue.
My hand reaches under my chin and through your open legs to cup your swollen testicles whilst my other hand massages a buttock cheek.
You are panting and you place both hands on my head as if I’m receiving a blessing. They slowly dictate the speed of your cumming orgasm.
Then as I touch your puckered sphincter with my finger you cry out:
“Receive this nectar that is given for you, take and swallow it for it is life and love.”
You fill my Chalice, coating my tongue, teeth, cheek walls and throat with the holy juice. I use my finger to gather up the excess I can feel around my lips and chin that has escaped my mouth during your thrusting explosion. Nothing of the divine and sublime essence is wasted.
I am satiated and saved by your sacrificial gift.
My lips firmly surround your penis, sucking it lightly as it slides out and I ensure no sacred sperm is lost.
Catching my breath I say “Thank you Lord” as I gaze at your softening enormity of length and girth and look into your grateful eyes.
You lift your phallus to touch and bless my forehead, cheeks and chin. It is the blessed confirmatory blessing of your pleasure.
“Praise be to you my Lord” I say.
“Nema” you say.
I faint and lie lifeless at your feet.
Male Bonding in Sex
So everything Men do together is manly, except for sex? My Brother, there is probably nothing more masculine than Men intimately bonding and sharing their sexual power. Homosexual sex is the celebration, acknowledgement and indulgence of each other’s rich and diverse Masculinity.
— from
No Fear
We fear the most those things we ourselves have shut away. The Horned One is a guide, a teacher, a representation of our sexuality, masculinity, mysticism, renewal and interconnection. He lurks in a darkness WE created, but He is not evil. He is a mirror, an aspect of ourselves.
— from
The Beast is your Libido
The Beast is your Libido, your animalistic drive to satisfy primordial sexual desires. The Beast is the Pride you take when you exert your masculinity on those you dominate. The Beast is also the Bliss you experience when those needs are taken care of by those you submit to.
— from
I Love My Dick
Listen to Father Marc on The 2nd Cuming Show!