I believe in you, my glorious and divine Penis. You are the center of my body, my life, my sexuality, and my spirituality. You fill my entire body with your sexual energy. I am totally devoted to you. You are my God and indeed my whole being.
The Book of the Monks (excerpt)
The Temple
The temple is the place of contact between man and what he considers important to him. Temples are some of the oldest buildings constructed by mankind. The temple is where man expresses his nature and celebrates his beliefs. The temple is more than a place of worship. The temple is also a place where man can feel contact and connection with others who share his beliefs. The temple is also a place to search for knowledge. In the East temples are used as universities and study centers.
The temple serves many purposes. The temple is also a place to feel absorbed in love, to feel a connection with your brothers, and a place to bond over shared beliefs and practice the rituals of worship.
The temple is the masturbator’s penis. In the temple you will seek to connect with your inner-self and acquire a deeper understanding of your connection to the divine masculine. In the temple all of us connect to the Great Erect Phallus and the Sacred Masculine. With your legs spread wide, the temple doors are open for you to focus on your cock. Follow this path: devote yourself to extended periods of masturbation and you will dive deeply into the Goon. When your legs are spread wide, representing the open temple doors for worship, you willingly expose yourself to other worshipers so they may see the beauty of the hard, veiny, pulsing, erect phallus. As you worship, the cock and balls will exhale the sweaty, heady, musky scent of masculinity. Breathe in this aroma. Let the scent flood your mind as you masturbate. You will feel a tingling throughout your body that radiates from your dick and your mind will be solely focused on the worship of the phallus.
In the temple, all ritual and phallic alchemy are performed in order to achieve growth and development.
We enter the temple every time we masturbate. This is the phallic symbology. The temple is the point of contact with your sacred center, with your true nature, with your instincts and desires. When you enter the temple your mind and spirit are in harmony and you understand the teachings of the Phallus more easily. The Phallus will relax your mind and body; it removes away the tensions of the outside world so when we return to the profane world we are recharged. We receive the welcome daily burden of service to cock at the temple. We receive the vital masculine energy while we worship at the temple. We reconnect with our brotherhood and realign our sacred-selves to the greater purpose of Priapus. Worship at the temple and strengthen your cock.Masturbate and serve the masculine GodCock.
When two or more men gather and open their temples to masturbate, a great force is created that connects all the divine power of all penises throughout time. Cock power emanates from all men before them, all men around them, and all men that will come after them, for without the sacred sperm, there were, nor will be, other men. The temple-penis points upwards like an arrow, which allows you to capture all the energy of the universe. The erect penis is like an antenna drawing energy from the universe and amplifying our masculine vibration for all men.
Open the temple doors and let it work.
This is a short portion from a roughly 40-page paper that was posted in the old but still somewhat active Tribe of Priapus Yahoo group some months ago. The original, named Livro dos Monges, was written in Portuguese. Translation to English used Google Translate, and it is now undergoing final editing and formatting.
Twice Blessed
Verses of Gratitude to the God Cock
On the evening of January 17, 2019, two Men of a exceptional virility, took turns to give me one of the most memorable fuckings of my entire life. These verses express my lust and my gratitude to these dominant, alpha Brothers; may the God Cock bless their generous hearts and grant them with many years of admirable, rock-hard, awe-inspiring, precum-leaking erections that they and the submissive Brothers they fuck may experience countless nights of uninhibited and lascivious male pleasure and communion in Cock.
One eve past,
Cloaked in dusk and dying light,
At the Altar of Eternal lust,
Cock, my God, blessed me twice.

Faithful, masculine, mysterious rites,
Bound in power and pain and pleasure,
As my knee bent in obedience,
Cock, my Lord, owned me twice.
Every pilgrim eventually finds
Whatever it is his heart desires.
One eve past,
Who had crossed the valley,
sailed the seas,
and braved perilous forests and sands;
Who had flown over the Pyrenees,
and the Altai,
and the Rockies,
and the Atlas;
Looking for God in every shrine,
Visiting temples and Holy Sites;
Found redemption, at last,
at the Altar between His thighs.

Hefty, stout, unyielding,
A stern, life-giving master who takes what He wants.
“Such is Your magnificence,
Such is Your splendor,”
I sang,
“Deliver me, Priapus, Pan;
Sirius, Sikandar Basileus, Adonai.”
He of the precious staff,
speaks not like clamorous thunder
for all to hear, for all to bide;
He speaks to You and You alone.
A deep, bass whispering rumble,
Blowing from the depths of a mountain shaft.
“What is it that you offer,
before your Liege, my Boy, my Child?”
My heart beating ferociously,
I slowly disrobed before His hungry sight.

“I offer myself, my Sire.”
O I am in love with his wicked, condescending smile!
I grovel before Him,
I grovel before the edifice of His growing, towering presence.

“In body, mind, and soul, you are Mine.”
He gropes my worshiping holes
with shameless indecency:
“It is with this, you shall now part.”
One eve past,
His throbbing flesh gaping my mouth,
His inebriating musk flooding my nostrils,
Cock, my God, made me gag.
“Take it,
O my Whore of a Son,
Take it good,
Take it right.”
Grinning with gusto,
Using me with delight,
Cock, my God, blessed me twice.

“Worship Me,
Worship the Cock that made you
with mouth open wide.”
He stuffed me His meat,
Tears slid from my eyes,
Cock, my God, blessed me twice.
One eve past,
As I lied spread on the sacrificial slab
The deliverance I craved so bad,
Cock, my God, decided to impart.
“Take this Big Cock,
O sweet, fucking slut,
Take it, My Boy!
Take it like a Man!”

He fucked me to the hilt,
Making me whimper, moan and sigh.
Cock, my God, blessed me twice.
“Surrender to Me,
Surrender to the Cock that is fucking you,
To the Cock that gave and gives you life.”
“Surrender to Me,
Surrender to the Living God sodomizing you,
To the Cock that enraptures your Heart.”

“Surrender to Me,
Surrender to the Flesh of Man impaling you,
To the Cock that teaches you both humility and pride.”
“Surrender to Me,
Surrender to the Mighty Hammer forging you anew,
To the Cock that is both Fire and Light.”
One eve past,
I married my Groom,
And I was His.
And He was Mine.

At the Altar of Eternal Lust.
Cock, my God, blessed me twice.
2019! IT’S HERE!! What happens next?
Happy New Year to all of our registered members and those who may be just checking us out for the first time! I am very excited to have you be a part of our Temple Community and our growth! As of this post on 1/1/19 – we have over 400 registered members in less than 6 months! THIS IS VERY EXCITING TO ME! We are leaving 2018 with great hope and energy – and I pray that Cock guides and directs us to an even more successful 2019!
Today I had the great opportunity of discussing with members on Telegram (a chat blog designed for those members of our community that would like to have discussions and share in “real time” their interest in Cock worship and the Brotherhood) of where we want to go in 2019. What are our goals and what would we like to see happen next. The biggest conclusion from all of this is, THERE IS A LOT TO BE DONE!
The first question that came up is “What is happening regarding the “Cockabration”? For those of you that may not know – “The Cockabration” is a celebration of Cock in which members gather to worship, learn and form a close-knit community. Historically it has been only for Priests of the Temple and has happened roughly every 2-3 years. I wanted to expand that and welcome all members of our community to unite together on a yearly basis, mainly because we are all starving for a sense of community and we currently have few Temples that are active at this time. We shall see how this goes – or if it goes at all in 2019. I would certainly LIKE to see it happen – but it takes a lot of organizing! My hope is to have “The Cockabration” this year in the fall/winter in Palm Springs CA. If anyone is wanting to be involved in this, please feel free to contact me!
We also had someone ask about starting a regular form of “Study Group” in which we look at various passages of the “Bible of Cock Worship” (a copy can be found on this website for free) and discuss them. I would be extremely happy to lead a group in this discussion – and we are checking out our options of how to go about this in the best possible way. One of our biggest challenges is finding a platform to do this – and picking a time that is right for everyone. We are scattered all over the world, so no matter what time we pick it could be the middle of the night for someone – or in the middle of their workday or meal-time. But hopefully I will be led to a somewhat feasible solution – and again, I am open to feedback on this as well.
Soon Brother Alec will be starting a Temple of Priapus site on SoundCloud. There we can have recordings to assist you in your worship. We will be recording prayers, music, meditations, and perhaps other motivational things to help in drawing you closer to Cock our Lord! You may be hearing my voice soon on there as well.
We also discussed today the subject of “Ritual”. What are our rituals? When and where are they performed? What are they for and who participates in them? Who leads them? And other similar questions. The Temple of Priapus has been around for many years and there have been a lot of rituals that have taken place within the Temple. (Phallic Worship has been happening since the beginning of time – pre-dating Christianity and other religions of this world). Unfortunately, we currently do not have a full accounting of what those rituals are. We do have a couple of our members of our community working on that, however, and at some point in the future, we hope to have a manuscript outlining and defining those rituals. In the meantime, I hope to work with those of you in the community who have done rituals and write rituals, so that we can come up with some that would be uniting, nurturing, fun, insightful, meaningful and a tool to draw us even closer together as Brothers and to the Cock that we serve.
SO, THERE IS A LOT to do…going on…needing attention…etc.
The momentum is there to keep growing and building!! I am LOVING that!!! I look forward to working with each and every one of you as we move through 2019! As I have always said, I am here for you! If you have any questions, concerns, problems or JOYS that you would like to share or discuss with me, I am open to you reaching out to me.
I LONG FOR THE DAY THAT WE WILL ALL WORSHIP TOGETHER! I would LOVE to kneel before each of you and taste your God and worship Him! I would love to stand in front of you and watch as all of you kneel before your Brothers and worship the Cock that he carries!! And I look forward…and the God that I carry looks forward…to having you worship Him as well! HAIL COCK OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR!!
Father Marc
…a comment (and reply) from a member of our community…
A few days ago a member of our community responded to a post that I had written on October 31, 2018. I thought it was a wonderful question/comment – and one that I felt really needed to be addressed. It was a comment that I have heard before and one that I really wanted to bring to the forefront of my posts as I felt it was important. Below is the comment – and my response…
1st of all, let me say welcome to The Temple of Priapus website! I am so glad that you found us and I am very excited to have you be a part of this community! It has taken me a few days to respond to this, simply because I wanted to be thoughtful as to how I did respond. This is an area that I believe must be dealt with in a caring way.
As you know, https://www.templepriapus.com is open to anyone who would like to register with us. Male, Female, Young (legal age), Old – and everyone in-between. We don’t prohibit anyone from registering – and we don’t ban anyone unless we see bullying or hate-speech manifest itself.
We started this website on our own probably about 6 months ago with no funding and little knowledge of web-building – you will see that there are few “bells and whistles” to this site, but we did our best.
Our focus is on Phallic worship, as you know. And as you search through the site you will see that our emphasis is on Men with Men and creating that bond in Brotherhood. Our writings and our posts all deal with the relationship between men – including the tastes and smells, the masculinity and strength, the father and the son, the alpha and the beta. We believe there is no sin or shame in consensual and legal sexual activity between men – and we actually believe it is something that we ought to do and can do with pleasure and pride. The basis for most, if not all, of our rituals, include a bonding through sexual activity.
For many men, this is a new and different experience. Many come in with the baggage of religious suppression, guilt, walls of defense and many other triggers of doubt and fear. We also enter into a ritual with the knowledge that men have sexual preferences. Size, shape, age, looks, etc all play into the success of having an effective outcome in the ritual that takes place. For many men, this is the breaking point as to whether or not they come back, or want to remain involved in the Temple.
What you are asking is a very obvious and valid question – and would be or could be the next possible step in who we are and what defines us as members of the Temple. I would love to encourage you and ask you to please go out and do what we have done! Start a Temple that would address these areas of worship that you would like to see happen! Become a part of this movement and create a safe place for those that identify as cross-dressers, transgender, transvestite or sissy worshippers! It would be GREAT if we had a place to refer men to that have these passions and desires! It would be great to work with you to build up your community! If becoming a Priest yourself is something that you desire to do, we can work with you to make that happen. You too can start a website much like ours! This is all doable – but you must be willing to do it!
One individual Temple cannot be all things to all individuals.
There are Temples for straight men and women as well – and there are websites that cater to those individuals.
Please let me know if and how I can help,
Father Marc
The Triumph of the God Cock
May 2019 be the year you defeat Shame

Last Saturday, December 30th, 2018, I went to the Bathhouse to celebrate the end of the year by worshiping Cock, my God. A receptive homosexual by nature, I longed for the Lord to bless my hole and inject a blast of sheer, empowering virility into me. Other Men, knowingly or unknowingly, had also gathered for the last Cock Rites of the year. Men were so hungry for the God Cock that night… their hunger was astonishing to witness, amusing even. My Dick surprisingly ended up deep up the ass of three other Men, rather than the other way around.
They wanted Cock so bad, I had to oblige!
In Sacred Sodomy, I will always prefer to bottom; it is what comes more naturally to me. However, nobody needs to explain to me how fucking good it feels to subdue a fellow Man with your Penis for I know it from first-hand experience. From time to time, I do love a fellow slut begging for more of my Dick as I dominate Him sexually and verbally.

The third Man I played with, a chap from Colombia, was a Pig, just like myself, but sluttier! Pigs make an instant connection. You can tell a fellow Pig by something in their eyes, their lewd demeanor, their scent, their enthusiastic vocalizing, their fiery hunger, their lack of shame and their love for kinks. Pigs happily allow for the animal to take charge and are more concerned with sharing and indulging their primal lust than passing judgment on people and their looks.
Two pigs together go wild, like weasels in heat.
Oh, my fellow Pig of a Brother, if only you could read this note… Thank you for the best sex I had in the entire year!!!

Now to the reason why I am sharing this anecdote. My Brother and I had been fucking, rimming, fingering etc. in a rather public, common space within the bathhouse. At the beginning I was quite conscious and uncomfortable about people watching us, but I eventually got so aroused I did not pay mind to anything or anyone other than my Lover. When we took a break, people who had either heard us (I had been quite verbal), or seen us, looked at me funny…
Was it disgust? Was it admiration? Was it envy? Was it bewilderment? Was it arousal? Was it curiosity? Was it disapproval? I did not care to find out, but they would not stop staring at me. As I walked with my semi-erect Penis (I hadn’t come yet and we would fuck some more later), my aura was tingling with satisfaction, pride, joy and radiant, sexual energy.

I do not necessarily endorse any of the play my Brother and I partook of, except for one: the defeat of shame.
Society has conditioned you to hate yourself because you masturbate, because you love men, because you are not “man enough,” because your Cock is average or small in size, because your body does not match a canon, because you speak funny, because you have fetishes and other “perversions,” because you fuck men, or because you love to be fucked by them, because you are wicked, sinful, dirty. You have been taught to hate yourself even within our various marginalized subcultures, because you are different, because you disagree in political issues, because you like sex too much or too little, because you only bottom or because you only top, because you are a bear or because you are twink, because you are effeminate, because you like BDSM, because you are solosexual, because you are bisexual, because you sometimes like to bareback, because you will not settle with just one partner or because you prefer just one sexual partner, because you are not dashingly funny, because you do not look a certain way, because you are rough around the edges, etc.
Because you won’t conform to somebody’s standards.

The last three years I have been working on the internalized shame of my sexuality. I have so many Men, so many Brothers, to thank for their aiding me, directly or indirectly, in finding myself. Brothers who held and embraced me in their arms. Brothers who knelt before me and worshiped my Penis. Brothers who taught me the art of male touch. Brothers who spread my legs and mercilessly shoved their Cocks into my hungry asshole. Brothers that showed me there are many other Pigs like myself who absolutely love me for what I am. Brothers who listened to me when I needed it the most. Brothers that gave me a hand when I needed it the most. Brothers who created wonderful erotic art. Brothers who created lewd pornography and music. Brothers who inspired my creation of lascivious audio files. Brothers who revealed to me masturbation as a sacred right and practice. Brothers who taught me being a slut is a gift. Brothers who taught me of Male and Cock Worship and welcomed me into their community…
Brothers that taught me Cock is God, and God is Cock.
I still have a long way to go down my unique, individual path. Nevertheless, my Brother, may 2019 be the year you too defeat shame.
Beyond fear, beyond false morals, when Love, Honesty, Respect and Acceptance of Ourselves and The Other are held in the highest regard, Lust too is revealed as an aspect of the Divine. Wield the Celebration of Cock Lust and its boundless Pleasure as a Flame to consume the shame that has kept you from being Yourself.

Dare to be Yourself!
To a Cock-blessed 2019!
Hail the God Cock!
Between Shadow and Light
Personal reflections on lust towards the end of the year

This year was just as tough as I foretold, although I have no powers of soothsaying. Close people we loved, good people, kind people; some of them are no longer with us. The various forces within this paradigm of power and control continue their stranglehold on Humanity, draining societies of the unprecedented, enormous wealth we collectively produce while feeding us an illusion of scarcity, deprivation and desperation that pits us against each other. They poison the soil, the water, the air, the very food we eat. They flood us with an endless, inane dog and pony show of duality, entertainment, political turmoil, fraud, illegal wars and false morals.
But the Human Spirit is stubborn, luminous, sovereign, unbroken, undivided.
This is the darkest hour before dawn.
Humanity is waking up from the spell, and they cannot stop it.

Our Brotherhood reborn is just one example. Rather than raising arms against our Brother, for the benefit of twisted Men whose psychopathic ambition is to own the entire Planet and control us all, we are the Stock of Men that prefers to make love to each other. In the nakedness of the flesh, we bond in Penis, the essence of our common manhood. Hatred and shame have no place among us; they are defeated as lust and love are crowned.
We are reshaping reality with every stroke of the glorious God Head, with every thrust into our Brothers’ worshiping chalices.
Primordial Eros comes before every other god, specially Chronos-Cronus-Saturn, the Architect of this Reality, one out of countless other ones. We choose to dwell in the Temple of Unconditional Love, for Love is, after all, the source and energy that both sustains and manifests everything that is.
Our Phallic Lust is one of the gifts of the Divine Masculine, who we worship.
Often has this Lust been deemed dirty, evil, impure, egotistic, narcissistic.
Talk about spiritual, emotional and sexual sabotage, of blackmail and alienation! Without sexual desire, life as we know it ceases to exist on Earth. And yet, sexuality goes so much farther. Humans are not at all the only species that engages in sexual play with purposes other than reproduction.

Oh, my Brother… if you could join me as I write this note, if you could watch me edge my sweet and savory Cock, my rod glistening with oil, irradiating, broadcasting a signal of lust and bliss across space, sharing in my room, warm with my heat and my musk. I would teach you Lust must necessarily be born out of a desire for selfish satisfaction, so it can then be shared as a desire to satisfy others.
To bring pleasure to my Penis is to bring pleasure to my entire Universe!
My Cock is average in size, but those who have sought to worship Him, know Him to be a generous Lord. Since I am mostly drawn to submissive homosexuality, I understand that the satisfaction of my Alpha and his Glorious Cock is what leads to the satisfaction of my desire.

My personal belief is that selfless martyrdom is not the Way of Cock, at least not my
way. The satisfaction must be mutual. Pain, of course, has its place in our body of practices, and many of us actively seek various degrees of sadomasochistic pain in our sexual play. However, I believe pleasure to be both our rudder and the ultimate goal. Those of us who add components of pain, domination, submission, etc. to that goal know that they highlight and contrast that pleasure we seek and satisfy a number of desires that we often are too embarrassed to share.
Believe me, your Brother-in-lust understands you better than anyone…
You must seek that what satisfies your desire first.
When Brothers then get together, that which was “dark” and selfish becomes luminous and communal.

Witness the gratitude in your fellow Bator’s eyes. The sharing of your Holy Masturbation allows for a deep bond to be established between you.
Witness the bliss your devoted sucking of His Cock brings Him. When He closes his eyes, and sighs and moans, you know you are doing your job right. Worship at the fountain of His Power that you may be nourished and replenished.
Witness the ecstasy your vigorous fucking brings your Brother. Hear Him sing to the rhythm dictated by your Penis. As you inject your male energy into Him, savor the Hole He has so eagerly offered for your enjoyment, for your pleasure!
Both of you are servicing the other…
Both of you are worshiping each other!
May the coming year bring you plenitude, awareness, fulfillment, joy, health and success in your endeavors. May the Divine Masculine pour His life-giving energies upon you, bestow you focus, virility and power, ignite your desire and manifest with plenty of opportunities to worship Him in solitude and in Brotherhood!
Hail Cock!
Heaven at your Hands
Adopting a state of Phallic celebration

Every encounter with COCK is an occasion of great joy.
Whether you are by yourself or in the merry company of your Fellow Brothers, engaging in sacred, meditative Masturbation or partaking of glorious, sodomic Communion, embrace Holy Phallus as a giver of light, warmth and happiness.
The sheer pleasure you take from your service to The Lord Penis is your Divine Right as a Man, as His Son. As a fractal of God, you carry Him within you. He is You. You are He.
Slightly over a year ago I wrote on my Cock is God blog:
“Many have spent their entire lives seeking God, attempting to understand God. Wandering wanderers, they reach outside. They climb lofty, holy mountains and descend into dusty, lifeless tombs. They seek, but they cannot find, for what they so fervently look for, from the moment they are born until they die, peacefully and timelessly sits inside.”

God literally dwells within your hand’s reach.
At the Center, at the Root of your Manhood, He awaits.
Just like the virile Bull squirts half a billion sperm, the Divine Masculine, our Father, manifests itself by giving birth to countless children. We, the Sons He fucked and ejaculated into existence are called to return to the Source. The entire journey of the Hero, is but a metaphor of His return to the Root.
To acknowledge His presence, go within. Come to the Center.
His Gifts are Yours to savor.
To indulge the God Cock is to indulge Yourself.

Heaven is not a place you go to, my Brother.
Heaven is a State of Consciousness.
Be done with the deceit of organized religions and their institutions of psychopathic control:
You do not need to earn what is already yours.
Heaven is the natural state of ecstatic interconnection with all things. Under the rules of reality on this Planet, we voluntarily agree to play the game of illusory separation by which it seems we are disconnected from each other, from living things, from the elements, hence we suffer. However…
Separation is, once again, an illusion from which all negativity originates.

Cock is, by spiritual design, the Tool to undo the Void.
Cock Fills, Penetrates, Injects, Creates, Impregnates, Sates, Revives, Renews, Delivers, Electrifies, Energizes, Transforms, Enlivens, Animates, Enraptures, Empowers, Imparts, Fathers, Heals, Soothes, Teaches, Feeds, Captivates, Liberates, Uplifts, Inspires.
To deem Cock anything but good, magnificent, handsome, magical, divine, is to fall prey to the ongoing short-circuiting of Humanity, to the manipulations of those who want to make you believe you are inherently evil.
If you choose to believe that, the outside world will be as a reflection of your illusory, inner turmoil.
If you choose to believe the opposite, the outside world will be as reflection of your inner goodness.

Celebrate Manhood! Celebrate Penis! Celebrate Yourself!
Cock and all His Gifts, are YOURS to take. To share!
Hail Cock!
The Manstink Redemption
Give me that sexy, ripe male funk anytime!

There was a time when Men were not afraid to be Men.
There was a time when Men acted like Men; when Men spoke like Men, played like Men, looked like Men and smelled like Men.
It is not my intention to prescribe what Masculinity should be like; I simply affirm the right to be yourself. At a time when people are reclaiming the primordial, natural and unalienable right to be themselves, we must emancipate from rigid, vertical and monolithic lists of thou shall and thou shall not’s in order to find our own voice.

Some of us Men are naturally drawn to #manstink, and the Brotherhood of Cock welcomes us with open arms, for we respect and celebrate consensual expressions of male sexuality as positive desires originating within the Divine Masculine. I honestly do not know whether this is something you are born with or a taste you acquire as you go on. The old born or made debate is not very relevant in any case, I believe; if man stench turns you on, you are far from alone:
“LOVE the musky smell of sweaty men… balls, hole, pits… and the ripe clothes they’ve worn. I grew up sniffing my Dad’s dirty undies then moved on to others, neighbors’ dad, college roomies, etc.”
Goodguybadboyfl (2010). Retrieved from the justusboys forums.
I smile when I recall I used to think I was the only sniff freak in the world. Should I share this anecdote once again? I shall do so, if only because it arouses me so much! From my From Mouth to Ass essay on my now defunct Cock is God tumblr:

“I began to realize I was a PIG when I found out how much I loved to smell my older cousin’s dirty underwear.
As a pre-teen back in the early days when internet penetration was minimal and I hadn’t even dreamed porn would become so abundant and available, one day, when nobody was home, I found myself digging through his laundry basket, picking up the funkiest piece of underwear, and inhaling the rank, manly, teenager odors on it like it was the most natural, spontaneous thing to do.”
I imagine myself, now an adult, going back in time to guide, comfort and reassure my younger self, so full of guilt and shame; to remind him there is nothing to fear, nothing to forgive when partaking of the holy sacrament of embracing yourself.
You need no one’s permission to be yourself.
That morning, all alone with myself, with the Universe, I had one of the most profound encounters with the Divine Masculine. Unbeknownst to me, I worshiped Him for the first time then. I fell on my knees as I held the Golden Fleece of His stinky underwear, a forbidden fruit ripe with His Musk. The briefs, I now realize, were not my cousin’s…
…they were God’s.

My heart beat ferociously as I brought His savory, overwhelming stench to my face. It would still take years for me to stop resisting Cock, to defeat poisonous guilt, to happily embrace who I was meant to become, who I wanted to become, but at that time of reality-shattering epiphany, deep inside, I understood it all.
With ego humiliated by the insurmountable power of a lust I had never experienced, I groveled as the concentrated #manstink flooded my nostrils, my mind, my very soul. Greedily did I feast; a starving buck hungrily devouring the primeval essence of Manhood as if deprived from it for a lifetime.
I could not get enough of it.
With the perfume and ointment of Cock, of Balls, of Cheese, of Ass, of Urine, of Precum still washing over me, I realized, without the slightest hint of doubt, I had found myself.
I had found God.

Decades of negative conditioning, one before this first encounter with the Divine Masculine, and two following it, created a deep feeling of shame that I have gradually managed to overcome. Eventually, one “gives in” and embraces as much as possible from one’s spectrum of sexual expression. Not doing so greatly frustrates, sours, and twists Men’s psyche and emotional body.
At Temple Priapus, we understand the process of healing from so much toxicity and negativity towards one sexuality can be a lengthy one, but one that can be better engaged when one counts with help and encouragement from loving Brothers.

We men tend to be pragmatic by nature, so after some rationalization and expression of your feelings, brotherly counseling and intervention will focus on plenty of encounters with the object(s) of your desires. If you too love #manstink, know that there are many Brothers out there who share the same lust; no one understands you better. With arms wide open, they await your return to the fold. Long have you been on a pilgrimage. Come forth and rest in the promised land of your Brother’s ripe pits. Find redemption in your Brother’s heavenly, thick and stinking crotch.
Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto.
I am human, and I think nothing human is alien to me.
The Choice For Pleasure
Phallic Sexual Fulfillment can heal us

Many traditions depict reality on Earth as one of unavoidable suffering. Take the Christian concept of the Vale of Tears, for example. Under the original sin and the weak and wicked human nature concepts, mankind has been tricked into accepting a reality of weeping and gnashing of teeth in both life and the afterlife! While I believe some suffering is definitely an undeniable component of human experience, the problem with the excessive–almost fetishist–elevation and idealization of suffering is that it turns us into helpless, masochistic, blindly complying, status quo-accepting, disempowered, victimized individuals oblivious to the fact that this reality is being created collectively by each and every of us.
At Temple Priapus we believe that joyous, responsible, consensual, guilt-free sexual fulfillment is always a healthier choice than the perverted suppression of thought and desire.
From my essay Reflections on Pleasure, Suffering and Reality:
“The repression of sexuality makes most of us sick. This is one of the reasons, I believe, why only few people manage to achieve moksha (liberation) under traditional dharmic prescribed practices. Turning our backs on the physical to pursue the spiritual usually short-circuits us, simply because we are experiencing, by choice, a physical experience.”
Gautama Buddha, taught that not getting what one wants causes suffering. Man’s primordial desire is to love and feel loved, to connect with other human beings. It is natural to reach out to the other, to bond at physical, emotional, intellectual, cultural, spiritual and sexual levels. Denying ourselves of these interactions defeats the purpose of the game of life, and smothers the soul.

As an alternative to the traditional paradigms of deterministic stoicism, martyred inhibition, fear, violence, self-flagellation and control, all so firmly in place by the dominant powers that be and their hate of joy and pleasure, we propose embracing the latter two for they are better aligned with our true nature.
What comes natural to humans is not to hurt, stifle, kill, hate and destroy, but to love, connect, inquire, support, grow. When people’s most essential needs are taken care of, when their autonomy, potential and desire for self-expression are respected and nourished, the outcome is happy, emotionally-healthy, confident and creative human beings who want to make of Earth a garden, a better place for all.
By withholding and sabotaging their phallic selves, interconnection and desires, most men have been turned into potentially dangerous, emotionally and sexually frustrated individuals, angry at others, angry at the world and angry at themselves.
We believe positive Phallicism, that is, reclaiming our right to savor, indulge and share our Penises and their gifts, can help heal these wounds via the celebration of much denied pleasure and the renewal of a spirit of camaraderie, brotherhood and intimacy which the Male Mysteries foster and nurture.
The expression of our sexual selves in their rich diversity is a Divine Right. No one can take it away from us. As fractals of the Source, we carry the spark of the Divine within. We need no one’s sanction to enjoy ourselves, to be ourselves.
As long as your sexual play and worship are respectful of other people’s free will, bring harm to no one and are honest and consensual in their interaction with others, they must be cherished without shame, without guilt.

For some of us, this phallic practice might take the shape of spiritual, solosexual masturbation. For others it might mean becoming teachers at the Temple, guiding Men into these Mysteries. For some it might be the renewal of a phallic connection with Nature and the spiritual world. For some it might mean being worshiped as avatars of the God and wielding their warrior Cocks into the ritualistic placating of their Brothers’ hunger…
“I savor every inch of throbbing meat both furiously and tenderly penetrating fellow opening, welcoming masculinity, brothers bonding in lust and the compassionate understanding of each other’s needs and desires.
Sweaty, teary, smelly, raunchy, loving ecstatic agony of arching, pulsing, undulating, vibrating, convulsing fresh recreating the Universe; fucking it into existence at the spot in time and place where mine, yours, and all labels disappear, where the entire past and future, all blur into a singularity of orgasmic, orgiastic nothingness and fullness.”
Long have we chosen to hide away our sexuality in the basements and attics of our fear and shame because we were taught it was evil, dirty to the eyes of god. The divine shows you the countenance you want to see.

We invite you to choose differently.
Choose beauty, choose honesty, choose pleasure, joy and brotherhood.
Choose Men.
Choose your True Self.
Choose Cock!
Thank you for your thoughtful words, Father Marc. I would also like to see our welcoming and inclusive “community of men” framed so that it explicitly welcomes the transgender, transvestite, crossdresser and sissy worshippers of Cock who may not choose to identify fully as “men”. Their passion and devotion to Priapus should not be questioned and they should feel welcome and safe in our community.
I do not question the edicts of the Church, however, some women in my life have supported, encouraged, shared and enjoyed watching my worship and passion for Cock! I consider them my sisters in Cock.