Adopting a state of Phallic celebration

Every encounter with COCK is an occasion of great joy.
Whether you are by yourself or in the merry company of your Fellow Brothers, engaging in sacred, meditative Masturbation or partaking of glorious, sodomic Communion, embrace Holy Phallus as a giver of light, warmth and happiness.
The sheer pleasure you take from your service to The Lord Penis is your Divine Right as a Man, as His Son. As a fractal of God, you carry Him within you. He is You. You are He.
Slightly over a year ago I wrote on my Cock is God blog:
“Many have spent their entire lives seeking God, attempting to understand God. Wandering wanderers, they reach outside. They climb lofty, holy mountains and descend into dusty, lifeless tombs. They seek, but they cannot find, for what they so fervently look for, from the moment they are born until they die, peacefully and timelessly sits inside.”

God literally dwells within your hand’s reach.
At the Center, at the Root of your Manhood, He awaits.
Just like the virile Bull squirts half a billion sperm, the Divine Masculine, our Father, manifests itself by giving birth to countless children. We, the Sons He fucked and ejaculated into existence are called to return to the Source. The entire journey of the Hero, is but a metaphor of His return to the Root.
To acknowledge His presence, go within. Come to the Center.
His Gifts are Yours to savor.
To indulge the God Cock is to indulge Yourself.

Heaven is not a place you go to, my Brother.
Heaven is a State of Consciousness.
Be done with the deceit of organized religions and their institutions of psychopathic control:
You do not need to earn what is already yours.
Heaven is the natural state of ecstatic interconnection with all things. Under the rules of reality on this Planet, we voluntarily agree to play the game of illusory separation by which it seems we are disconnected from each other, from living things, from the elements, hence we suffer. However…
Separation is, once again, an illusion from which all negativity originates.

Cock is, by spiritual design, the Tool to undo the Void.
Cock Fills, Penetrates, Injects, Creates, Impregnates, Sates, Revives, Renews, Delivers, Electrifies, Energizes, Transforms, Enlivens, Animates, Enraptures, Empowers, Imparts, Fathers, Heals, Soothes, Teaches, Feeds, Captivates, Liberates, Uplifts, Inspires.
To deem Cock anything but good, magnificent, handsome, magical, divine, is to fall prey to the ongoing short-circuiting of Humanity, to the manipulations of those who want to make you believe you are inherently evil.
If you choose to believe that, the outside world will be as a reflection of your illusory, inner turmoil.
If you choose to believe the opposite, the outside world will be as reflection of your inner goodness.

Celebrate Manhood! Celebrate Penis! Celebrate Yourself!
Cock and all His Gifts, are YOURS to take. To share!
Hail Cock!
To my all Brothers, I am new here and open to be guide on this amazing path. Please feel free in contact me. Thank you
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