I have been anointed

I have been anointed with the Seed of Man, the Lord God Cock has marked me with His Musk, split me open and poured His Blessing upon Me. Now I see Him everywhere; He is all around me, full of Virile Glory, Beauty and Power. He dwells in my Heart for He is my Heart’s …

Paean to Penis

Let us stand together, dear brothers, and worship at the altar of the Holy Penis. Let us praise Priapus who manifests himself in the penises which hang from our loins. Let us receive one another’s penises into our mouths and suckle Priapus’ holy gift. Let our mouths be filled with blessed penis. Let our tongues …

Found prayer: A Church of Cock Liturgy

As discovered online at the blog of a self-confessed chronic masturbator gooningchronicmastrb8tr.   The Church Of Cock Liturgy: Our Fathers should lead us in prayer as we the brethren recite the response * We cry to You Lord Priapus Lord of COCK … Hail Cock, Lord Cock * For those who are Hungry for cock …

Brothers, approach and bathe me.

Brothers, approach and bathe me. It is time for the holy ritual to commence. Your cockpiss is a blessing, and I am in need of its healing powers. In the healing waters of Lord Cock, my soul is cleansed and my phallic faith renewed.   Brothers, cum anoint me, In the amber rivers of Father …

Declaration to Cock My God

Cock, my God, when suddenly you appear My soul’s purpose on this Earth is clear. You bring peace, and joy and lust To you my soul I deliver and entrust. I envision thick, fat, rigid shafts Which drip upon my tongue Your sweetest saps. Pissholes leaking, spitting, drooling, wet I think of these and feel …