When I go into ritual, I never really know what I’m going to get out of it. Or what lessons I’m to learn. I usually go in because it feels just incredible. I love a good goon. 😉 On this occassion, I believe my mind needed to learn a lesson of masculinity. As a gay …
Category Archives: Teachers
Your Cock, Your God
Morning Bate It is early Saturday morning. One hour before my intended time to wake up, the body is tossing and rolling and turning on my bed. My neocortex, the rational, human brain, struggles, at least at first, to understand what is going on. “We are supposed to be snoring and drooling,” it says; and …
Join Me in Our Desire to Serve Our Lord! 11-7-18
I love Cock! I live for Cock! I dedicate my life to Cock! Besides all of that – I lust for Cock! I crave Cock! I desire Cock 24 hours a day – 7 days a week – 365 days a year! 525,600 minutes a year I want to serve Cock! I have been this …
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Man’s Cock Is God
Man’s Cock is God and the Soul of the man; the place between a man’s legs is the Church; and the worship of all cocks creates the Cathedral. Our Holy Cathedral is alive in the absolute and promiscuous worship of All Cocks everywhere and at all times.
10/31/18 – Heavy Heart – but HOPE!
I write to you today with a heavy heart. I’ll bet you haven’t heard that in a long time! It seems like everyone has a heavy heart these days. I live in the United States – our Temple is in the United States. We are essentially 5 days away from an election that could …
Celebrating Manly Sweat and Smells
The SACRAMENT of SWEAT Men are extremely VISUAL. PORN is, perhaps, the best evidence. The amount of PORNOGRAPHIC material being PRODUCED and SEEN at this very moment is astonishing. MEN love VISUAL STIMULI, and HOMOSEXUAL MEN are no different. Our NARCISSISTIC and HEDONISTIC NATURE makes us CONSIDER the PHYSICAL in THE HIGHEST REGARD. When I …
Tribute to Dallas Santos
In the mood for Strokin’ BROTHER DALLAS SANTOS is my HERO and one of my GREATEST TEACHERS. @dallassantos2 You see, when SOCIETY appeals to MORALS and “GOD” to FORBID BEHAVIORS and INTERESTS that are NATURAL, bring WELL-BEING and HURT NO ONE, YOU KNOW they are using their favorite tools, GUILT and SHAME, to CONTROL and …
Submission and Personal Choice
Where He Loves to Be The other day, when browsing the amazing tumblr of Brother @rickraunch I saw this wonderful picture posted. Handsome, mustachioed white man with gorgeous blue eyes right in front of LORD PENIS. Rick has labeled it: Where he loves to be. How much truth in a single sentence. For the Worshiper …
Devote Your Entire Life to Penis Worship
Every Morning as I Wake: 1. As I come out of sleep I touch, stroke, and fondle my Penis to bring Him fully awake. 2. I wake and kneel in prayer to Penis for about five minutes. 3. I celebrate a brief Masturbation ceremony (depending on my time no shorter than 15 minutes.) 4. After I Cum (or decide NOT to Cum) I …
An open letter from Father Marc
Let me say, welcome to The Temple of Priapus. I’m glad you found your way to us! As I write these words, I have to be honest with myself and the others that have come to me for leadership. I would never lead someone down a path that I thought was wrong. HOWEVER, what I …