An open letter from Father Marc

Let me say, welcome to The Temple of Priapus. I’m glad you found your way to us!
As I write these words, I have to be honest with myself and the others that have come to me for leadership. I would never lead someone down a path that I thought was wrong. HOWEVER, what I share with you is what I have found to be true for ME! This is MY truth, and if others join me on this path, it is because they have found it to be THEIR truth as well.
I believe it is important to step back in time to the very beginning. In the beginning was Cock. Cock was the beginning of all life. Cock was the Creator of all life. God took the form of Cock — and through this form, life was created. 
Now I am not so arrogant as to believe that Cock is all that was needed to create life! There of course is the Vagina — and I believe the Vagina is the Goddess of all life! However as a Man I celebrate the Cock because He has chosen ME to be His carrier. The Temple of Priapus is here to celebrate the Phallus! If women would like to start their own Temple (which they have) that is entirely up to them! For me, it is important for Men to celebrate being Men and to create a Brotherhood in which we can be at one with each other — as Men! 
God Cock — when He chose us to be His carrier, didn’t care as to what our sexual orientation is, nor did He care about the color of our skin! For Him we were chosen to use Him and to find pleasure in all that we do with Him — and for some, to bring life into this world! So we celebrate Masturbation and Sodomy! We give thanks for the fluids that come from the Cock! We take pride in being naked! We find joy in being Men! 
In the Temple we find organized religion, such as Christianity, to be a way of controlling man in a negative way. There was a time that Men celebrated being Men! There wasn’t a word for “homosexual” until the church came along and labeled it, and brought shame to Men who found joy in being with other Men in (what we define as) a sexual way. Bathhouses were prevalent in Rome and Greece, and in other cities. There was a bond between Men then that doesn’t exist now. We find that how we live now is in direct opposition to how God Cock intended us to be! 
So we are once again coming together to make the Temple a place for Men to gather. In the late 70’s there was an actual Temple in San Francisco. In the 80’s the AIDS crisis hit, and those members who didn’t die from AIDS at that time had their differences of opinions of the direction the Temple should head — and it divided. And over the years it has faded into almost a non-existence. In May of this year (2018), Father Francis stepped down from being the leader of the Temple due to age and health reasons — and I was elevated to lead the Temple. We are basically picking up the pieces once again and trying to get it off the ground. For now the website is our “Virtual Temple”. We have dreams of having Temples throughout the world once again — but that takes a lot of time and money. Time we have — money we don’t. But we need to first build the foundation of “What is the Temple?” and what are the “rules and regulations”? We need to develop training manuals – and gather together the past rituals and ways to worship. 
We are in the VERY beginning of all that there is for this Temple. It is exciting — and it can be exhausting! But we believe in what we are doing! We realize we aren’t reinventing the wheel here! This is all laid out for us from the past. We are just on that quest to bring it all together again to make it alive again! 
Google: The Bible of Cock Worship and you will find some exciting things!!! It is also a link on our website, so you don’t have to search too far.
As for worshipping with others: we have men throughout the world, and we are growing. Let me know where you are, and perhaps there is at least one or two Men I can match you up with to worship with for the first time. I am in the San Francisco Bay Area – and I’m always open to worshipping with others.
Know I am here for you! Know I’d be willing to answer any questions you might have! (You can use the Questions for Father Marc subforum on the Forum page.  I hope I have given you an overview of the Temple that you find appealing and would like to know more about! You are welcome to join us at any time!!! Write to me anytime! Use the Contact form.
Very Sincerely
Father Marc

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