Join Me in Our Desire to Serve Our Lord! 11-7-18

I love Cock! I live for Cock! I dedicate my life to Cock! Besides all of that – I lust for Cock! I crave Cock! I desire Cock 24 hours a day – 7 days a week – 365 days a year! 525,600 minutes a year I want to serve Cock! I have been this …

10/31/18 – Heavy Heart – but HOPE!

I write to you today with a heavy heart. I’ll bet you haven’t heard that in a long time! It seems like everyone has a heavy heart these days.   I live in the United States – our Temple is in the United States. We are essentially 5 days away from an election that could …

An open letter from Father Marc

Let me say, welcome to The Temple of Priapus. I’m glad you found your way to us!   As I write these words, I have to be honest with myself and the others that have come to me for leadership. I would never lead someone down a path that I thought was wrong. HOWEVER, what I …

Welcome to the Temple – October 14, 2018

Welcome to The Temple of Priapus!   What a day it is in the Temple today.   We come together to worship Cock, our Lord and Savior.  As I look down and gaze upon the swollen shaft, I give thanks for you, my fellow Priests and Brothers that have come here today searching for pleasure, …

Prayer to Our Father Cock

Our Father Cock! We LOVE you! We STROKE you! We ACKNOWLEDGE you as our GOD!!! Guide us!!! Show us the way to others yearning to know this truth! Let us listen for YOUR call in all we do!!! Let us FALL TO OUR KNEES BEFORE YOU OH GOD!!! Let us BEND OVER TO RECEIVE YOU …

A message from Father Marc Hamilton…

MY COCK IS FULL!!! MY SOUL IS ALIVE!!! I have just read the beautiful words and prayers and desires of yours this morning! WHAT AN AWESOME GOD WE SERVE!!! YOU have inspired ME my Brothers! Again I say, I am eternally grateful for each of you! God has called us together for a purpose, and …