Preparing the body and worship space
The body should be clean, no soaps with excessive fragrance, no cologne, and no deodorant should be worn.
The gathering space can be a living room or area where the brothers can talk and admire each other. The space should be comfortable, appropriately light; soft music is fine. If a television is on, then it should play pornography or images of naked men. The brothers should gather together comfortably dressed in clothing easy to remove.
The gathering space can also serve as the worship space where the altar of worship is placed. The altar could also be in a different room.
A glass of water or wine for each of brother should be available upon arrival. If food is desired, then simple food such as bread, fruit, or cheese can be served. Everything should easy to eat. No packaging should remain, and anything needed to be sliced should have already been done; everything should be easily eaten by hand.
We greet each other with open arms and freely feel each other’s bulge; take your time to savor the heat of the other man’s body. Explore his stature. Let him stand still and move around him, looking his body over from top to bottom.
Offer the water or wine. Both men must be able to piss later in the ritual.
Start with conversation to get to know each other and set out expectations for the ritual. Any aspect that should be changed or modified can be arranged at this point. Ultimately Cock is our God. Cock will guide our interactions. This ritual is a guideline intended to develop and deepen our bond of brotherhood the sacred Phallus.
Written Prayer
Use this time together to write a short prayer, wish, hope, dream, remembrance, or anything you want to offer to Priapus during the ritual later. Keep it with you when we move to the altar space.
Opening the Ritual
When a sufficient amount of time has passed, and each one is motivated by the presence of Cock, we move to the altar room or space and prepare our minds for the undressing and robing ceremony.
Remove shoes and socks before entering the room, if any were worn.
If music is played, it should be in a low volume and evoke a sense of worship.
Once in the room and each man has his bearings, establish where clothes will be placed, and the “robes” will be positioned. This part of the ceremony happens blindfolded, and without a sighted leader, you need to know where you can stand.
Blindfold and Undressing
Each man will blindfold the other. (Note: Only blindfold if both are comfortable doing so.) Then, taking turns, one man touches and caresses the other. Trace the lines of his face, his chest, his legs, his ass, his cock bulge. Be random. Take your time. When you settle on an item of clothing, then remove it.
The Satyr Father will remove the first piece of clothing from the Satyr son. Once the first item of clothing is removed, then the ritual flips. This process alternates until both men are naked. The Satyr Father will blindly grope for the robe he will put on the Satyr son. Once it’s on the Satyr son’s body, secure the robe in place. It is permissible to help each other with securing the robe.
Then the ritual is flipped: Satyr son robes the Satyr Father. Once both men have robed, each can remove his blindfold. Discard the blindfold next to the altar, among the other altar elements. The emphasis to this part of the ritual is both men feel and explore each other’s bodies before they see each other naked.
Take as much time as you wish to admire each other’s exposed cocks.
Don’t touch each other yet (if you can resist).
Invoking the Senses, Satyr Father reads:
I, the Satyr Father, call on my brother present at this altar to Priapus to acknowledge his senses:
- Sight – Now that we both are stripped and robed, admire our bodies; appreciate the male form presented to you
- Sound – listen to each other’s hearts; be calm and quiet, listen to the pulse of your fellow cock worshiper
- Touch – slowly touch each other; there’s no script. Let your eyes guide your fingers and touch what you want to touch
- Smell – as you touch your brother’s body, focus on those regions rich in pheromones; touch his armpits, his groin, and if agreeable his taint and crack; smell his body and smell your fingers
- Move in closely and bury your nose and breathe in his musk. Work to grind his scent into your face
- Taste – Then taste him; touch his body with your tongue and lips
Acknowledging the Elements
We prepare our minds, our bodies and cocks for service to Phallus. We arrange the elements of the altar to focus the energy of Penis that throbs in our souls.
We are embarking on a bonding ritual at the altar of Penis. Firstly, we will acknowledge fire.

We will light several candles. We will start on opposite ends of the altar and work our way toward the center. We blow out the match and press it firmly to extinguish in the dish of ashes.
Open your palms upward, extend your hands high in the air and look at each other. If your cock is erect, stand close enough for your erection to touch the other man.
Together, chant 3 times:
Next, the Satyr Father will use the flame from a lighted candle and light the prayer offerings made by each participant. The ash, once cool to touch, will be used for the next ritual.
Father Satyr
The Father will dip his finger into the ash and draw a symbolic phallus on the Satyr son’s chest. This will be our sacred offering of fire, which symbolizes the fire that aches in a man’s balls every day. To be one with Penis! This is only the first half of the fire ritual.
Repeat the cock chant by opening your palms upward, elbows close to your side and gaze at the altar or stand facing each other, close enough for your erection to touch if hard. Together, chant 3 times:
The Satyr son uses the ash to draw a phallus on the Satyr Father’s chest. Then, repeat the chant.
A bowl and two small vessels, one on either side of the bowl, will be placed on the altar space. Each of us will piss into a small vessel. Then each of us will pour a small amount of piss into the bowl. The Satyr Father will go first by wetting his fingertips and drawing a symbolic phallus on the chest of the Satyr son. The Satyr son will repeat the ritual anointing. We will accomplish this in the following order:
- The Satyr Father will kneel before the cock of the Satyr son. He will hold the small vessel below the Satyr son’s cock. The Satyr Father will watch intently as the Satyr son fills the vessel. When the vessel is filled, the Satyr Father will place the vessel on one side of the bowl on the altar.
- The process repeats. Now the Satyr son kneels before the cock of the Satyr Father. The Satyr son will hold a new vessel to collect the piss from the Satyr Father. Once the Satyr Father has filled the vessel with his own piss, the Satyr son will place the vessel on the opposite side of the bowl on the altar.
- Once each has filled the vessel, they will simultaneously pour the fresh piss into the central bowl, wetting any altar element like a cock statue that may have been put inside the bowl. This act and water offering will serve to consecrate the time and space we share.
- The Satyr Father will draw a symbolic phallus on the chest of the Satyr son. Next the Satyr son will repeat the water ritual by drawing a symbolic phallus on the Satyr Father’s chest.
If a brother gets pee-shy, then the ritual can advance to the AIR ceremony and then the EARTH ceremony. At any point when the next brother is ready to piss, then simply revert back to the WATER ceremony and complete the steps to anoint the altar. After the altar is consecrated with sacred piss, advance to the ash ceremony.
Satyr Father reads: 
Heed the call of God Cock today.
Erase your mind of other needs and obligations.
God Cock commands your attention.
Go to your knees and await to be fulfilled with His blessings.
You are a servant of Cock, a vessel for his holy waters and sacred semen.
Satyr son kneels and reads:
I pledge my heart to the glory and worship of the phallic god.
I pledge my mind to devise ways to worship and adore the phallic nature in my fellow men.
I pledge my imagination to conceive greater connections to phallus, from the individual cock of any man to the universal phallus that creates and maintains the universe.
The Satyr son stands, then the Satyr Father will bless this son’s cock; the son will continue to read:
I pledge my body as a vessel of adoration and devotion to the sacred phallus, as a way of achieving the greatest good any man could know: seeing the phallus, smelling the phallus, tasting the phallus, and holding the phallus. Hail Cock!
The Satyr Father reads:
Next, we will offer thanks to the earth. The earth has received much of our sacred semen, starting at the first ejaculation. The fertilized ground provides nourishment for our bodies. We will both bite from the fruit and symbolically ingest the sacred seed from the earth. Seed is responsible for all of the sweet fruit from the earth. Man’s seed is no less nourishing and no less sweet. (both bite after this reading)
Then take turns reading:
Satyr son Accept the pleasure and oneness of the Cock spirit;
Satyr Father Beyond all comprehension, do not deny the sacred power of Phallus any longer;
Satyr son Do not resist those Cock desires that fill your heart;
Satyr Father Do not resist the Cock lust welling inside you;
Satyr son Do not resist your desire to gaze upon and to suck Cock;
Satyr Father Do not resist your thoughts filled with Cock;
Satyr son Do not resist your thoughts of feeding on hot dripping cum;
Satyr Father Do not resist your desire to seek out and enjoy Cock.
Next, we will acknowledge the element of air. This service comes through reading a passage from cock worship text (alternatively, read the passage from page 4 of this ritual) and then opening the small wooden chest with cum soaked underwear given to me by another brother some time ago. His strong male pheromone musk will mix with musk of our own bodies. It is undeniably strong scent of dried semen. It is the essence of being man.
At whatever degree of intensity you choose, inhale the musk of our unseen brother and we will be our offering of air to consecrate the space and time we share.
We will position our bodies facing each other. We should be close enough that our penises touch. We should feel the heat of each other’s chest as we breathe; feel the ebb and flow of air.
Together recite in a low, worshipful tone:
Hug each other tightly to seal this part of the ritual.
Acknowledging the Phallic Gods Priapus and Cernuous and others.
Relax for a bit and admire the elements on the altar. Touch them. Discuss them and appreciate them. This is a good point for more water or a quick break.
Semen Offering
This will be the final ritual.
Masturbation. The Satyr Father will guide the Satyr son to masturbate; the son will confidently and proudly expose his masturbation for his Father to appreciate.
Edge. Do not cum. When the son is sufficiently edged, he can stop.
Next, the Father will offer his masturbation to the son to appreciate.
The phallic spirit will guide this portion of worship. It can take as long as the worshipers are led in the practice by Priapus. When they can no longer hold back, the brothers will negotiate themselves to ejaculation.
The semen must be saved. Avoid dripping or shooting where it cannot be contained. You can shoot on the belly of your brother. You can shoot on the wooden phallus from the altar. But the semen should be saved from each man until it can be mixed.
Offering. Sacred semen is the offering to the phallic gods. Each brother anoints the wooden phallus with some of his semen.
Once the phallus has been consecrated with the semen from both men, face each other, and repeat the cock declaration:
Satyr Father: Brothers, let us become One with Cock and Full of Cum.
The Penis that we bear is the mark of God upon us.
Cock, our God, demands we worship him daily.
Satyr son: Brothers, let us become One with Cock and Full of Cum.
All praise and glory is His, the Universal Savior;
Phallus, Cock, Penis:
Our God has many names.
Satyr Father: Brothers let us become One with Cock and Full of Cum.
We desire our God and love Him. We submit to all his needs: Stroking, Sucking, and Fucking
We must strive to please Him always.
Satyr son: Brothers let us become One with Cock and Full of Cum.
We thirst for Semen,
we thirst for Precum,
All Cock’s gifts are Sacred as is our hunger for them.
Together: Brothers let us become One with Cock and Full of Cum.
Now anoint each other’s bodies with semen; consume it if you are so led.
Smell, taste and admire the sacred offering.
Make certain to anoint the cum rag underwear in the wooden box as well.
Hug and enjoy each other’s presence.
Relax and celebrate your manhood, your brotherhood and your cock!