I am so excited to be entering into the New Year with fresh ideas and new directions for this Brotherhood of men! So much is on our horizon! Cock has brought us a long way – and we seek His guidance as we continue to move forward! 2019 was a good year – and there …

Plegaria Arapajó

Traducida al español por Nick Mat Read in English here La siguiente es una plegaria Arapajó; me fue enseñada por un anciano. La recito cada mañana mientras ofrezco mi crema de macho alpha a Príapo. Lavo mis manos—el instrumento de mi trabajo—para que estén tan limpias como mi corazón, y toco mis pezones, mis testículos, …

Cock, My Everything

Cock is what I want.  Cock is what I need.  Cock is all I long for. Cock is what I seek. I open up my mouthAnd stretch out my tongue.Fill me now my lord.I want to eat your cum. As long as I live I will declareWith all my living soulCock is everything to meAnd cum …

May this vision cum to pass, Oh Cock my Savior!

I dream of a Temple, a place of pilgrimage for all my Brothers in Cock.      May this vision Cum to pass. A beacon of phallic light amid the darkness of the world. May this vision Cum to pass. A refuge for the believers, the mystics, and the evangelicals of Priapic lust. May this …

The Priapeia

“Take heed lest thou art caught. If I do seize thee, nor with my club will I belabour thee, nor cruel wounds with the curved sickle will inflict on thee. Thrust into by my twelve-inch pole, thou shalt be so stretched that thou wilt think thy anus never had any wrinkles.” — Epigram 10 The …

Statement of Affirmation to Cock our God

Ever since I was elevated into the position of High Priest/Pontifex and Leader of The Temple, men have been writing to me asking what they must do to affirm their devotion and commitment to Cock our Lord and Master. There has never been an official “Statement of Affirmation to Cock our God” that could be …