Found prayer: A Church of Cock Liturgy

As discovered online at the blog of a self-confessed chronic masturbator gooningchronicmastrb8tr.


The Church Of Cock Liturgy:

Our Fathers should lead us in prayer as we the brethren recite the response

* We cry to You Lord Priapus Lord of COCK … Hail Cock, Lord Cock

* For those who are Hungry for cock … Hail Cock, Lord Cock

* For the Thickness and strength of all cocks … Hail Cock, Lord Cock

* For those who desire the taste of cocks juices… Hail Cock, Lord Cock

* For those whose desire to abuse their penis … Hail Cock, Lord Cock

* For those who are stroking alone … Hail Cock, Lord Cock

* For those who are masturbating on cam … Hail Cock, Lord Cock

* That we may love and care for the precum, piss and cum … Hail Cock, Lord Cock

* That the pleasure of edging fills our very being … Hail Cock, Lord Cock

* For those who are addicted to cock … Hail Cock, Lord Cock

* For all who seek cock deep in their throat … Hail Cock, Lord Cock

* For those who seek cock inside their ass … Hail Cock, Lord Cock

* For those who have power to cum and cum again … Hail Cock, Lord Cock

* For the relief of the mighty eruption … Hail Cock, Lord Cock

* LORD COCK enter my cock… Hail Cock, Lord Cock

* LORD COCK drain my balls… Hail Cock, Lord Cock

The Congregation continues to chant the response until they achieve oneness by


Hail Cock, Lord Cock Hail Cock, Lord Cock Hail Cock, Lord Cock

Hail Cock, Lord Cock

* For those who have cum and joined you in heavenly orgasm … Hail Cock, Lord



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  1. ritual in the worship of our Holy Father can not be taken lightly. as in any other “myth”, followers create and sustain Cock as God. Nicely crafted. Praise Cock

  2. Thanks, Brother Alec, for this beautiful prayer. May we remember it and repeat the words daily with our masturbatory worship.

  3. With my holy Phallus in my hand, I pray these words for myself and for the worldwide communion of those to whom Phallus has revealed the truth.

  4. Praise Phallus and the words of his devoted followers worshiping in communion with the erotic energy of our lust and love.

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