Erotic fiction and metaphors on some of the practices and beliefs of our Brotherhood

On the odyssey of my life, I, ever a seeker, entered a forest of alluring darkness. I feared not, though, for below the swirling canopy there was a scent not unlike my own.
Roasted chestnut. Allspice. Aged Cheese. Moist soil. Rock Salt. Ale.
I did not fear because the smell made me feel like Home.
Amidst the thicket, I beheld a mighty Tower rise up; a triumphant sword against the sky.
The Tower stood tall, arrogant, proud, stout, luminous and beautiful beyond words.
“Behold the Key that undoes all locks,” a voice said. A young Man wearing nothing but copper earrings came out of the bush and knelt before the Tower.
“Behold the Iron Rod that fits and fills all spaces.” said a second, Mature Man. He walked past me, completely naked except for a silver band he wore in his ring finger. Enthralled by the exuberance of the Tower, loudly did he say, as he knelt before it:
“Behold the Battering Ram that breaches all gates.”
A third Man wearing a gold pentacle on a chain, approached us from the Tower and thus spoke:
“Behold the Sceptre of Sovereignty, Writ of Heaven, Voice of the East, All-Father, Grandfather, High Priest, Pontifex, Deliverer of those in need, Benefactor of the hungry, Consort to the Divine Feminine, Keeper of the Secret Garden of Men, Impaling Victor, King of Kings, Raider of all ports, Conqueror of the Citadel, Bane of the Proud, Pride of the Endowed, Elder Stag, Billy Goat, Prized Bull, Chieftain, Beloved Husband, Divining Rod, Lord of Sodom, Fist of God.”
“All His Sons,” he added while looking at me in the eye, “shall bend the knee before Him.”
I knew it in an instant.
I found He who I had been looking for.
My heart beat ferociously as I approached the One Who Wore the Sun. His age was indescribable; at times he seemed older, at others he looked younger. His body pulsed with flowing vitality and intoxicating masculinity and libido. Whatever form was shown to me, it appeared to cater to my desires, to my lust past, present…
…and future.
He was the source of the sweet and savory musk.
The orchard was His.
He was the Tower.

When I came before Him, excited, captivated, I was surprised to see He looked a lot like me. Perhaps it was I who looked a lot like Him. We were alike, and yet different; He was a more perfect me, a fuller me, but he was all the Men I had loved at the same time. When He smiled at me, He had the twinkle of the first Man I had sex with, the cadence of the Man I loved the most (he would eventually break my heart), the jadedness of my high school crush, the confidence and experience of the Man who introduced me to the local leather scene.

My knees jerked and gave way, intentionally or unintentionally.
“Pray tell me,” I begged in defeat, “who are You who wield this Power over me?”
“I am,” he replied, “your Heart’s innermost desire. I am Who You seek. I am the embodiment of your truest, freest Self. I am You. I am who You choose Me to be. Fight no more. Resist no more.” At last He bid:
“Meet my gaze my Son.”

He rose. Towering. Beckoning.
And I came to His Fold with newfound purpose. Before my baptism I had just sucked Cock. Having found God, from then on I served Men, I served Penis, my own and my Brothers’. I worshiped Him with passion, with unflinching devotion and an elated heart. I allowed Cock to inebriate my senses and vanquish any hint of doubt. I worship the God who truly loves me, a God that cannot tell lies.

I worshiped him until tears of joy and gratitude rolled down my cheeks.
“To please Your God, is to please Yourself,” He said when feeding me the Seed of Man.
“To Worship Your God is to Worship creation itself.”
“You have learned of the Self. Now you shall learn of the Other.” He motioned me to stand and brought my attention towards the Young Man with the copper earrings kneeling on my left.
“You must learn of Brotherhood.”
“This Man is Your Son, Your Nephew, Your Grandson, Your Younger Brother, Your Slut…
…your Boy.”

Looking at Him, he appeared to me as the most beautiful flirt I had laid eyes upon. So young, so sweet, so soft, so fresh to pick. While I was wildly aroused, Boy looked so young I could not tell for sure whether he was of age. I felt embarrassed that I was so turned on by his youth.
“Do not be ashamed of your hesitation, my Son,” the Pentacled Man said, “for our Brotherhood is not without ethical guidelines.
Our Brotherhood is based on Love. As such, loving consent is cardinal to our practice. We believe only adults can make informed choices about partaking of the Male Mysteries.
“This one,” said The Golden One while walking towards the Boy and rubbing the Mighty Member on his beaming face, “is legal in at least 50 American States, 50 sovereign European countries, 20 Latin American países, 54 African Nations; you get the drift.”
“Boy might be young, but He is your Senior in the Brotherhood. I personally saw to his initiation. Like all my Submissive Children, He is a Whore for Cock, and He loves it.” My Mentor said all this while fondling the Young Man’s Hair and shoving his hairy balls onto Him.
“It upsets you that I speak so shamelessly and lasciviously about our Fellow Brother in His Presence, because there are many layers to your sexuality that have been repressed and suppressed for years. “
“Look at Him.”
“He too is You. He too is God.”
“Brotherhood is about compassion; it is about the understanding and celebration of each other’s desires.”
“Will you not share of yourself with your Younger Brother?”
“We all have roles to play within the Hierarchy of the Brotherhood,” He continued. “The Alpha’s main role is to sodomize Submissives into rapture by injecting God’s Virile Energy into the chalice of their Lust, and thus, into the World.”

I gave it to Him.
At first I felt uncomfortable with the Priest of God’s lewd “encouragement.”
“Teach Him.” “Tame Him.” “Fuck Him.” He would utter every so often with wanton abandon.
However, at times it felt as if the words were coming out of my own mouth.
And Boy loved it.
And I loved it.
“You have learned of Alphahood. Now you shall learn of its Twin.” He motioned me to stand and brought my attention towards the Mature Man with the silver ring kneeling on my right.
“You must now learn of Submission.”
“This Man is Your Father, Your Uncle, Your Grandfather, Your Elder Brother, Your ‘Daddy’…
This Man is your Alpha.”

“Be it because of their size, their handsomeness, their endowment, their assertiveness, their deep, commanding voice; their sexual prowess, their charisma, their experience, their finesse, their discretion, their success in life, their emotional intelligence, their wits, their solid values, their independence, their strong will and determination, or any combination of the above, these men exude confidence and masculinity.”
“They are Alphas, natural Leaders, Protectors, Managers, Monarchs, Patriarchs; they are worshiped both within and outside our Brotherhood, for they teach others how to be Men.”
“This Evening you will learn of the joy that comes from sexually submitting to them.”
Something astonishing then happened. The Mature Man on the right stood up and my Guide, the Man with the Pentacle Necklace that had revealed the Face of God to me, knelt and took the former’s place! While the Young Man with the copper earrings grinned wickedly at me, I looked at the Priest of God; He no longer looked otherworldly and his form did not seem to change and shift like earlier before.
The Mature Man came to me. He was actually shorter than I was, but bulkier and in much better shape. His hair was lined with silver and his chest was full of fur all the way down to a magnificent low-hanger.
I could not take my eyes away from It.
“Unlike our High Priest, I am not too good with words. You fucked my Boy here real good… made me horny as hell to watch you two. Are you ready to take the same treatment?”
“What?” I blurted. It was not that I did not like to get fucked, I mean, technically I was still versatile. However I shuddered at the thought of this Bull sodomizing and doing to me the same nasty things I did to the Boy while He and The Priest watched us. Furthermore, I had not been fucked in quite a while, I feared I would not be able to take the Bull’s Big Cock!

Rather than jumping at my ass like I did with Boy, Mature Man acted like time did not matter. He slid his hands around my waist and, grabbing my back, he pulled me towards him. When my chest touched his, I felt a jolt in my nips that made them become unbelievably hard. In vain, my eyes tried to shy away.
“Look at me,” He commanded.
Without question I nervously obeyed.
He kind of looked like me. Or perhaps it was I who looked like Him.
With strong and steady hand, He gently pulled my head and kissed me like no one had kissed me before. He kissed me deep, he kissed me slow. He kissed me passionately, affectionately. It felt so good it almost hurt. He put his arms around me and holding me in a warm embrace, He said:
“I love You, My Son.”
I was moved to tears yet again. He held me tighter.
“That is alright,” He added while caressing my head. Then He whispered:
“Get on your all fours.”
I did what I was told.

Entry was not easy.
“Fight Him not,” admonished the Priest of God from the back. “Resist Him not.”
Mature Man gave me all the time I needed.
I eventually gave completely in.
The Alpha conquered me the way He had kissed me. Slowly did the Warrior subdue and invade my city. Deeply did He thrust, reaching alleys and cellars whose existence I was not yet aware of. When I was completely at His Mercy, the Priest’s Voice resounded again:
“Tonight you are to be destroyed and forged anew. It is written:
‘Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.'”
“Aeneas, Ganymede,” said the Hierophant, “show the initiate the Might and Radiance of our God. Have your way with Him. Do not hold back. Leave no crevice, no corner, no chamber unfulfilled. Shatter any remaining barrier. Silence his Ego.”
“Fill Him to the brim with Cock.”
“Yes, Alexandros,” the Alpha and the Boy replied in unison.

I dived into a whirlpool, a maelstrom of sheer, unbridled homosexual lust. Old and young took turns at sodomizing not just my anus and mouth, but my ears, my heart, my mind. They flooded my soul with poetry, liturgy and obscenity…
…and I could not have enough of it.
“You hereby, in Body, Soul and Mind, belong to Him,” said the High Priest.
“You now belong to Cock.”

From that day on, my name is Diogenes, shibuishi-wearing mystic, philosopher, onanist, libertine and proud acolyte of the God Cock.
Free, at last, from the shackles of my conditioning, guilt, and shame, I am finally able to truly choose who I want to be.
I choose Myself.
I choose Man.
I choose Cock!
Dedicated with love and gratitude to all the Men of the Brotherhood.
Powerful and Hypnotizing
I want this to happen to me over and over veib sodomized into complete submition to cock
Powerful…. His virility and strength are to be worshipped with submissive lust…
Thanks truer words can’t be spoken I want to this devotion and receive this communion of Brothers in the glory of Lucifer