Holy, Holy Penis,
Master of my life:
Let me worship you.
Be my Savior and Lord.
Provide me with cum to purify my life.
And piss to cleanse my body.
All in glorification of your universal power.
And to all who love you dearly,
To all who kiss and suck your head,
And lick your gorgeous shaft.
Bless and keep them forever lustful in your presence.

Book of Cock Prayer, revised

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1 Comment

  1. HYMN TO Priapus (Anonymous Vatican)

    “Hello Priapus, fertile Father, of guardian gardens, violator
    I invoke you, ruddy, sink, spermatic
    You who sow the life
    Defloratore, dismay of virgins, igneous, fallopodo, Fuger
    of thieves and birds, fig Lord, magmatic.
    Come to us, possiedici with the heat of your fire, give us the ardor
    That fills you, or oxidizing.
    Unravel the mysteries of the phallus hidden by the curved sickle,
    ambidextrous, of cinedi scourge. Irrumatore,
    marine rostrum, silent, blood, lord of the donkey,
    as to our holy spasms,
    Lord of the orgy, sacrifice our acts, vivify our minds
    Obscene, ithyphallus, Iectatore, Savior! “

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