The Cummunion is a banquet.

Eat and Drink! Do not stay hungry!

The Phallic God serves us his seed, his soul and his divinity, converted into heavenly food.

The food that Phallus gives us is the seed that gives the life of the world.
And if someone asks you “How can we eat their own seed?”

Say to them: “Truly, I say to you, Eat the seed of Man and drink his urine, The man, who eats the seed of man and drinks his urine, will have wisdom and life, Because man will remain in Priapus and Priapus will remain in Him.

Come and eat the sexual feast! Do not stay hungry! Satiate the carnal desire of men!
In the Cummunion, Priapus serves us from his own body and from his own divinity.

To approach the Cummunion with Priapus, you only need the clothing you were born with, forgetting modesty and shame. If not, we cannot approach Cummunion with Priapus.

By the Cummunion with Priapus we receive strength and food for the road. Eating the Semen you recover your strength, vigor, encouragement and enthusiasm and continue walking through life.

When we take the Cummunion frequently, we will be in tune with Priapus the God Phallus. That will prepare our minds to access new and wonderful pleasures that we might otherwise fear. The frequent Cummunion strengthens us the spiritual organism as a foretaste for the greater pleasures that are to come.

Semen is a piece of paradise, because to reach Him it is necessary to know and taste the orgasm and ardently desire it to be a longer time, but at the same time we want it to end soon as it is irresistibly delicious.

You can access Priapus’s Semen in different ways; however a good son and worshiper of Priapus should live the orgasm in a deeper way, since in that magical moment you access the presence of Our God. In that moment He listens to you, understands you and favors you.

Everyone is invited to this meal without exception, the perfect ones so as not to decay; the imperfect ones, so that they aspire to perfection; the strong ones so as not to lose weight; the weak to be strong; the sick to heal; the healthy ones so as not to get sick. By drinking from the Phallus of Man you recognize that you are putting your lips on Priapus’ own phallus, you are before the Divinity.

Everyone has their own tastes and their own fetishes, but in general terms, when you set out to go to the Cummunion, you should polish both your body and your spirit. Wash face and hair. And all those delicacies characteristic of lovers, of fine and strong souls, who know how to pay Love with love. In your mind, you must prioritize the desire to serve as many men as possible and to ingest as many cumloads as are offered to you.

Going to a Ritual of Cumunión with Priapus and rejecting the semen of an ejaculation is like being invited to a big banquet, sitting at the table and looking at all the served dishes, the tasty and appetizing dishes. But when the waiter comes to serve, you say:

“I’m not going to eat. I’m full. I’m just going to look!”

Is that not a complete discourtesy, right? Or worse, take a bite and then spit it out deliberately. How do you feel seeing this. Perhaps you are rejecting your own God Priapus.

By the Cummunion we Priapus’s boys, and worshipers are united not only as brothers but also as lovers. Because for the children of the God Priapus there is no union more sacred than the sexual. Through the Homosexual unión God Priapus is perennized and eternalized, letting his seed flow from generation to generation.

By the Cummunion with our God Priapus we fall in love more and more with Him and we make other men — many! — follow the same path.

The Cumunión is the main fruit the intimate union with Priapus. The Cummunion increases our union with Priapus. Semen is a material food that satisfies our physical body, like our spiritual life. The worshiper of Priapus needs to be fed by the Cummunion throughout his life, until the moment of death, when it is given to us as viaticum. The more we participate in the Cummunion with Priapus the more we progress in their friendship, and therefore the more difficult it will be for us to break with Him and His sacred principles.

When should you take the Cummunion? The Temple of Priapus strongly recommends that the faithful receive the sacred Cummunion as frequently as possible. Even every day. When we approach God Priapus, if we want, we speak intimately with Him, as one talks to a friend, as one talks to a brother, as one talks to your father.

And after taking the Cummunion, it is good to dedicate a few minutes to give thanks to the man who has made possible the real presence of Priapus in your body. It is a detail of respect and love. Each Brother will find a way to personally thank the man who has given him the possibility of receiving Him.

Always remember that any man is capable of feeding his brother; the food of God Priapus is of the whole community, regardless of their social, economic, racial or sexual preference. All men, Priapus’s sons should meet regularly for a fraternal meal.

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  1. “A fraternal meal”, what a beautiful concept and articulation. I read and reread this sermon with great pleasure. Thank you, Cain for sharing this!!

  2. I love it, for it brings me understanding and cock lust to higher plains of phallic desire. Before I learned of priapus he called me as a small boy. I had dreams of being In a room filled with naked men. We worshiped cock and sucked every cock of every man be present and offered my cock to them I became so aroused that I sought out me to use me and feed me from their cock’s. Then after I was a man I came upon the site for the phallic temple and found the Temple Priapus. I knew it was real and I desire to join the and offer my mouth to suck their cock’s and my ass for fucking. Hail Cock my brother.

  3. Cumunion is essential for all Cock Worshipers
    It feeds us physically and spiritually.
    Sucking a Cock to Cum joins man and Cock together.
    It sustains and invigorates us to worship Cock even more.
    The love of Cock is the love of Holy Semen.
    I realized this the first time I made a Cock hard and sucked it to Cumpletion.

  4. Happy New years to the men of the Phallic brotherhood! I love cummunion. I love God Cock, hail Satan. I need to worhip Priapus and be fed the cummunion till death. Ivssek wisdom and life from worshipping Priapus!

  5. Worshiping cock is my reason for existing! I only wish I didn’t have to travel to occasion the Holy Communion of other followers. I have often thought I should open my home to others interested in celebrating Lord Cock. Live in SW Michigan, ad those who may be interested in joining me (in my apartment), I could probably handle up t 3-5 fellow worshipers, and always can be contacted (PM’d) through Facebook.

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