Sodomy as a Loving, Bonding Sacrament between Men

February the 14th. Amidst the commercial, cheesy and sugary, but often pleasant, funny and enjoyable expressions of love and friendship, I conclude we only display before others what Society deems acceptable. It is behind closed doors where we dare to voice our deepest, most intimate selves.
Freedom found, at last, in the confines of a room; a mirrored space where we face our bodies, both their beauty and their imperfections, both our confidence and our fear; our untamed fantasies, our hidden desires and, perhaps, most importantly, our need to commune with others and indulge our sexual selves.
For our sexuality is not a mere addition to our personality; it is the foundational framework of the personality that defines every other aspect of it.
As we abandon ourselves to our primeval Lust, by the grace and trust of our relationship with the Other, we naturally close our eyes as we drift within. In the space between all, we become vulnerable, yet one with the Universe, we come before our naked and sacred soul.
We come before ourselves…
…and our Humanity.

It is beautiful beyond words.
Men celebrating their Masculinity at the most intimate level. Love between Men truly is an act of manhood, an act of fraternity. If this is so, then Sodomy has got to be the ultimate bonding sacrament between Men, between Brothers.
Along the spectrum of all stereotypes and identities, the Brother who would receive the Sodomic Sacrament spreads His legs just like the blossoming orchid opens herself before the Sun’s first light, and begs the Man before Him, His Priest, to fill Him, to sate Him, to Honor the Spiritual Covenant. The Priest, the Deliverer, is bound to oblige, for, driven by a similar Lust, His desire, and nature, is to express and reinforce His Masculinity over His receptive Brother by imparting what He desires before all.
It might seem as Masculinity is about taking, but I believe it is the other way around:
Masculinity is, primarily, about giving.
And that is what We Men do during Sodomy: We deliver Power, Pleasure, Energy; We inject our very Lifeforce by wielding and thrusting our Glorious Penises deep into each other! We offer Ourselves in loving and submissive Worship as a Chalice for the Glory of the Divine Masculine, Who We adore and seek to please and to commune with.
Behold the mystery of the Sodomic Sacrament:
At a higher level of awareness and consciousness, the Man You penetrate truly is YOU. Likewise, the Man Who penetrates You, is YOU as well, because The Source truly is ONE and undivided.
…thus You BOTH are GOD.
You are both SPARKS of the DIVINE MASCULINE.
It is in this realization that we begin to understand Sodomy can be embraced as a Ritual, as a Sacrament between Men by which Energy can be exchanged between them. Even at its most animal, at its lewdest, Sodomy, when consensual and respectful of each other’s Spiritual Selves, too is an act of love, for it is the enactment, expression and satisfaction of desires that too originate within the Source, for the Source encompasses and sustains everything that is.

While the word sodomy conjures gruesome mental images of raining fire, of pillars of salt, of eternal damnation, of filth and perversion, we know beauty and ugliness are in the eye of the beholder. The quest to establish universal scales and codes of “Truth” and “Beauty” is doomed to fail from its very beginning, for the only major Truth there is, is the hermetic principle that everything is part of the Source and the Source is in everything.
As Children of the Source, ever do we seek to express, explore and celebrate ourselves!

Hermeticism teaches that everything expresses along a spectrum of polar opposites, which are not exactly two distinct features, but grades of a single quality. Cold and heat, for instance, are but degrees of the energy parameter we call heat. Sodomic desire manifests along a spectrum of receptiveness-assertiveness, thus there is power in the recognition and acceptance of the direction we tend to lean to. Still, one of patriarchy’s greatest flaws is the idea that the male/assertive pole is superior to the female/receptive one. However, since BOTH are part of the WHOLE, and BOTH polarities exist within each of us, we know this to be a terrible mistake that has brought much suffering to BOTH men and women. In sexual expression, our roles are not necessarily fixed, for human sexuality is fluid. As a versatile that leans towards sweet, slutty submission, it never ceases to amaze how much I can enjoy penetrating another Man as I whisper in His ears:
You are mine now.

Those of Us who love uninhibited, unbridled anal sex are Sodomic Revelers who take great pride and delight in the lascivious indulgence of the Flesh. We defeat the poisons of guilt and shame and merrily offer ourselves to the satisfaction of our primal, animal desire to copulate not for reproduction, but for the pleasure we draw from Sodomy itself.
There is hardly a more masculine act.
The uninitiated looks at the picture above and grimaces in disgust and disapproval.
The Sodomic Cock Worshiper, in turn, grins, nods and approves. Where others see ugliness, abomination and sin, He sees the beauty, harmony and benediction of two brave and honest Men celebrating Masculinity and getting from each other exactly what they crave, what they need.

The Matrix hates Sodomy, as well as all other acts of Homosexual Male Love, because it brings us Men together, and that is detrimental to the agenda of separation, manipulation and control.
Listen not to those who are too eager to prescribe how you should, or must live your life. Listen instead to the voice that invites you to hold your buddy in your arms and admire the miracle that He is.
For Men, there can be no romance without sex.
Partake of Sacred Sodomy with unbridled Lust and gratitude. Tell your partner how beautiful He is, how much you love to fuck Him, how much you love to be fucked by Him, how much you love His Cock.
Never take your sexual partner for granted.
Honor Him. Respect Him. Worship the God in Him.
God is not an external entity from which you are separated, disconnected.
He is literally sitting within you, for you are a part of Him.
From my October 2017 essay called The God Who Loves You:

“He knows you better than anyone because He is You. He is not there spying on You to make a list of all Your “sins” and “good deeds” to punish You or reward You in an extraterrestrial heaven or hell.
Behold THIS World, the Paradise created for the celebration of life, of pleasure, the world Patriarchy has raped and laid to waste, the world they are destroying with our complicity.
Every act of rebelliousness, like Sodomy, is a way to say “Fuck You” to their institutions and lies.
Cock knows you better because He is the MALE and the HOMOSEXUAL SEX DRIVE in YOU.
He knows when You need tender love-making…

…and He knows when You need to be pinned against a surface and literally have the shit fucked out of You.
He understands Your Needs; He celebrates them and wants to satisfy them.
Between consenting Men, they are all acts of love.”
As only you can do, Twilight, you have captured the essence of the Sacrament of Holy Sodomy. Thank you for your splendid insight.
This is a powerful essay. I have read this a few times. I agree totally and loved it.
I have read this many times and I have to say it is the perfect and most beautiful act a man can experience with his brother. Hail Cock
I am overcome in thoughts of lust and love for the masculine bond and the brotherhood of Cock.The one true God we worship, provides for us. The beautiful sacrament of sodomy is one we should all partake of as much as possible.
Our bodies are chalices for Cocks holy seed. May all the brothers of the temple,
worship God Cock through sodomy and taking God Cock in our mouths as much as possible!
Hail Holy Cock
Hail Priapus !
Bless all brothers in God Cocks name!