Towards a new reality of Fraternal, Phallic Interconnectedness

Despite the darkness reproduced by those who stubbornly cling to the monolithic structures of the past, this is an exciting time to be alive. More and more Men are partaking of practices inspired in pagan memory and traditions that predate the Judeo-Christian paradigms of deceit, control and manipulation, and celebrating our common identity as Men, as Brothers, as spiritual sparks of the Divine having a physical experience. Bear with me as we briefly explore these concepts together.
Monolithic Paradigms
I do not want to take too long on this item, for many of us are already moving beyond the intellectual, emotional, physical and emotional restraints and spiritual blackmail of toxic Judeo-Christian thought.
Monolithic means rigid, uniform, which are appropriate words to describe the edifices of any instance of organized religion which prescribes behaviors that must be adopted without question. Why is it relevant to discuss paradigms conceptually? Because paradigms are structures of thought that heavily condition our perception, understanding, interpretation, manifestation and interaction with reality and phenomena. If you believe, for example, that Men are born “sinful” and “wicked,” your mind will recreate and reproduce this idea and reinforce it every time you are presented with evidence for your views. If you refuse to consider Men under other perspectives, all you will see in them is “sin” and “wickedness.” The universe is potential energy that reflects back the focus of both our fears and desires.

If you had, like I did, a Christian upbringing, you have probably been told a thousand times that any form of sexuality—touching yourself included—outside a heterosexual marriage sanctioned by the Church is evil and sinful. This creates a terrible sense of guilt, shame, anxiety and frustration that perverts the mind, for the expression of human sexuality is fundamental to a person’s emotional well-being.
This and other paradigms typical of ancient patriarchal societies, such as scarcity and war (the need to fight other Men to protect our belongings or take theirs under the premise that there is not enough for everybody), are completely obsolete. Many Men and Women these days seek to embrace lifestyles built more strongly upon community, not the isolated suburban dream and aggressive neocolonial interventionism which were typical of the materialistic and positivist American paradigm following World War II. It is a well-known fact that one planet would not be enough if everybody could live like the archetypical average American. As the middle class shrinks, a system based on greed and the transference of wealth and power to fewer hands reveals its unsustainability and heralds its own demise in the long run.
“There is enough on Earth for everybody’s need, but not enough for everybody’s greed.”—Gandhi.
Paganism: revival and new perspectives

It could be argued that Men and Women had a more positive—and healthier—view of human sexuality before the waves of Aryan migrations/invasions (Celtic culture being an exception, since, culturally speaking, they were quite distinct to the rest of the Indo-European family) and before the establishment of even more rigid Judeo-Christianity. Greek culture, for example, had Aryan roots as evidenced in their male-dominated pantheon. According to some scholars, Classical Greece was not at all a paradise of open, hedonistic homosexual indulgence, but they did have a strong, refined, erotic and homoerotic reverence towards the human body. Many cultural artifacts and texts suggest Men were more in contact with their masculinity and enjoyed it more fully, particularly in much older Greek culture.

We acknowledge the pagan influence in modern Phallicism, but, because of our contemporary reality, we bring in fresh, new perspectives. We draw inspiration from the past; we do not seek to copy it. Temple Priapus is not a religion, but a Brotherhood of Men who Love the Phallus, a space to share different sexual, cultural and spiritual ideas from various phallic perspectives.
Just like in most organizations with a democratic character, our views sometimes contradict each other. Nevertheless, all Men of our Brotherhood acknowledge our Cocks as a manifestation of the Divine Masculine. Contrary to common thought and beliefs which abhor and condemn human sexuality, we believe that the satisfaction and indulgence of our Phallic Lust is good and positive , that it can heal us and that it can heal the world.
We are Brothers

Men experience a natural drive to share and celebrate their physicality, but Society teaches them early in life that the sexual line should not and must not be crossed. All kinds of play between Men are valid, except for the open expression and sharing of their sexuality. While many of us disagree with the above, we do not want to impose our preferences and desires on others. Instead, our Brotherhood is open to all Men who feel a natural desire to seek and worship Penis. Although that desire often manifests in homosexual tendencies, we welcome all, regardless of their sexual orientation.

If you have ever found yourself wishing you could join a circle like the one above, this Brotherhood is for you. Regardless of shape and size, our Penises speak to each other. When they come together, vibrating in a frequency of shared, brotherly, Phallic Lust, we experience an undeniable bond, a sense of camaraderie and playful complicity that allows us to create a space where we are encouraged, supported and welcomed to express our sexual selves freely, respectfully, shamelessly, lasciviously…
The faces you like to make when you are beating your Man-Tool, or when your Brother’s Cock is deeply plowing your greedy Asshole. Not only has your Brother witnessed the kinks you discreetly keep beneath the necessary social façade of decorum and “correctness,” he has celebrated them with you. Your Brother knows of your goon, of your porn collection, of the plethora of sex toys in your room. He knows you like to talk dirty when you top. He knows you are fond of poppers, of piercings, of man-stink, of piss, of leather, of cigars and/or feet. He knows your balls are super sensitive. He knows how loud you moan and whine when you come, and He knows how vulnerable you feel at that moment…
He knows what you are into for he has been there with you.

Brothers-in-Cock develop a powerful bond that is forged at the most intimate layers of their incarnated selves, of who they are as Men.

It is a bond we love to express in the physical, but goes beyond the physical.

As it was before.

As it is now.
We will always be there for each other, to support each other, to care for each other, to love each other, to celebrate our Masculinity in the Flesh. We no longer need to hurt each other, to steal from each other, to spill our Brothers’ blood fighting wars that only serve the ambition of those who seek to own the entire planet.
We are no longer Brothers in Arms…

…We are Brothers in Penis!
This is splendid, Twilight! You have encapsulated in a few words what we are about and why what we are doing in the Temple of Priapus is worth our efforts.
Wow, I love what I see. I just want to be on my knees to taste those gorgeous cocks!
So many gorgeous temples waiting for relief! I like being on my knees and sucking gorgeous alpha cocks, one after the other, and swallowing so much white gold.
Gorgeous temples ready to be serviced!! I want to be there to provide relief to all those alpha guys.