Statement of Affirmation to Cock our God

Ever since I was elevated into the position of High Priest/Pontifex and Leader of The Temple, men have been writing to me asking what they must do to affirm their devotion and commitment to Cock our Lord and Master. There has never been an official “Statement of Affirmation to Cock our God” that could be shared with individuals that may be on the internet or in locations where a Temple is not available. Since the website is our virtual Temple at this time, it only seemed fitting that a “Statement of Affirmation to Cock our God” be written. With the help of Brother Richard, that is now completed. You can find it here.

To all who visit the website wanting to affirm their belief in Cock as God — and who want to dedicate themselves to serving Him, and to The Temple of Priapus — I invite you to make that affirmation now. You can find the “Statement of Affirmation to Cock our God” here. When you are ready, or if you have made this commitment and have taken this step, I would ask that you write to me and share with me that you have taken this great and marvelous leap! Welcome to The Temple of Priapus and all that Our God has in store for you!

Father Marc

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  1. This is the essence of the Oneness I have been privileged to enjoy since accepting Cock as God nearly ten years ago. I am delighted to have found a brotherhood of those who also share this with me, praise Cock forever.

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